Council meetings

Agenda item

Evelyn Assembly Minutes 7 February 2013


Evelyn Assembly

7 February 2013

2000 Community Action Centre 

7pm – 9pm


Meeting notes







Welcome and Introduction to the meeting



From Councillor Crada Onuegbu.






Everyone was given one vote and asked to look at the posters on the wall and put a sticker against the area of the action plan that they thought it was most important for the assembly to work on in 2013.


Provision for Older People

Help more older people join in with activities and clubs - 5 votes

Create intergenerational projects - 4 votes

Help more older people feel safe and socialise - 2 votes

Promote volunteering for older adults - 1 vote


Youth provision

More activities for under 5’s - 3 votes

More activities for young people -1 vote

Start a youth panel - 1 vote

Increase volunteering opportunities for young people - 1 vote


Reducing Crime and Anti social behaviour

Working with partners to try and motivate, support and positively influence young people who are getting involved in criminal activity - 2 votes

Support with noise pollution - 2 votes

Improve Dog Behaviour - 1 vote

Work with partners to get shops to sign the responsible retailers agreement (not selling alcohol to intoxicated people and under 18’s) - no votes

Develop a police cadet branch locally - no votes

Improve community relations with the police - no votes


Housing Issues

Help with better communication between residents and housing providers and developers

- 12 votes


Tackling drug problems

Increase employment opportunities - 2 votes

Try to get support for local people affected by friends and family with drug and alcohol addictions - 2 votes

Work with partners to try and tell people more about the support for people with drug and alcohol abuse - no votes


There were also other things people thought were important:- (1 vote each)


·      More support for disabled residents (physically disabled, learning Disabled and mental health issues)

·      Dealing with the issue of Lewisham A&E closure how it will affect the community.

·      Deptford Park Generation playclub threatened closure.  Vital for local community, universal service for all “sensory room” for SEN children. Free service with a drop in 930-3pm Monday to Friday.  Nothing else like this available.

·      Social events for the community for community engagement.

·      Support 2000 community centre so they can support the community.

·      Childcare support for people at college – funding is only for 1 child.

·      After school and Saturday club

·      Find ways for youth and elders to link and help each other storytelling, photographs, help with shopping etc.



Feedback from Assembly funded projects



Evelyn Parents Forum – Half Term ‘Play and Learn’ sessions


Moira and Aisha from the Evelyn Parents Forum told the assembly about their funded project for half-term holidays ‘Play and Learn’ for local children and their parents/carers. These sessions were also held during half term last year and 167 children and 96 parents attended over 4 days. 


There were fun and educational activities for children of all ages and they was a chance for people to give information and support to parents and carers, some of whom were isolated.


There was help available from professionals on speech and language, health care and  nutrition.  The community safety team also attended.  Many people joined the parents forum and will now get more support and information, there are 150 local families now in the forum.


Montage Theatre Arts – Intergenerational project


Members of Montage Theatre Arts and residents that took part in the project spoke to the assembly and showed a film of their dance project being performed in Deptford market.


It was explained that they received funding for an intergenerational arts project that allowed young and older people to work together. They showed a film of the dance performance in the market with young children and elders, all dancing together in a rehearsed performance.  


Table Discussions


Each table discussed answers to the questions below:


  1. How do you think that the assembly should communicate better with the residents?


·        Speak to people that cant make evening meetings – children & schools

·        Twitter

·        Evelyn Community Forum Facebook – add video of Montage Theatre Arts

·        The Quay Point community newspaper

·        Promote through tenants and residents associations

·        Recruit volunteers locally and young people 

·        Posters, banners and leaflets  - in workplaces and schools

·        Meet with individuals

·        Meet with organisations

·        Talk to the children and to different people

·        Ask what community issues do we have and if there are issues about services

·        More meetings – forums with specific presentations monthly

·        Continuous feedback


  1. What is the main thing that you would like to see achieved in your area in 2013?

·        Job opportunities & training for local people for young people and adults

·        More for elderly/disabled in the day 

·        More people to be engaged with what is happening in the community

·        Local Youth Panel

·        More co-operation

·        Subsidised groups – after school hub

·        Free Wifi

·        TRA for the whole estate not just blocks

·        More people involved in the community centre

·        Charge the café a small rent and use the rent for the community

·        Help more homeless people in Deptford

·        Diversity to be represented at events and meetings

·        Youth Provision – more for under 5’s

·        Save Deptford Park Generation Play club

·        Community Social Event

(International Women’s day, Mother day dinner, Easter, Black history, Sunday dinner with older people, Christmas party for all, Family Fun Days)

·        Sporting Events (marathon) everyone getting a prize

·        Time banking – cultural practices sharing

·        Youth club should open at 4pm or earlier

·        Keep the same staff at the youth club so young people have consistency & problems can be spotted

·        Film making – use of Final Cut

·        Celebration/ sharing between old and young 

·        Recruit more volunteers

·        Better security in all blocks and more security cameras


Lewisham Council Drug and Alcohol Team



Jason Brown from the Lewisham Drug and Alcohol Team spoke to the Assembly.


He spoke to people about a training course that is open to local young people.


There is a 12 week course for 10-20 young people aged between 18-25.  This will train them to work with other young people to raise awareness on drugs, sexual health and divert people from crime and unsafe risky behaviours.


Young people that go on the course will be able to develop themselves, gain education around substance misuse, basic counselling skills and core skills such as communication. 


People that finish the course will get Level 1 Certificate in Peer Support & Mentoring and/or Level 1 Certificate in Peer Mentoring from Northern Council for Further Education (NCFE) and have the potential to get employment as a peer mentor.


Jason offered to speak to anyone that was interested in the refreshment break.

Jason can be contacted on  or on 020 8314 3263.


Jenavi Omoma from CRI spoke to the Assembly.


Jenavi explained that CRI work in Lewisham to support young people aged 10-21 with alcohol and drug issues.  There is open access so anyone can get in touch and they also get referrals from schools and doctors and other groups.  Jenavi left his contact details and asked that anyone contact CRI if they have any worries about a drugs and alcohol abuse and young people. CRI can be contacted on 0208 297 7941and you can contact Jenavi on



Convoys Wharf Resident Group feedback



O’Quo - Charlz Uvieghara and David Fleming members of the Convoys Wharf resident group spoke to the assembly about the meeting that residents had with Hutchinson Whampoa the developers for Convoys Wharf on 29 January. 


What are the current plans?

·      There are 3,500 homes in the current plan with 3 larger towers – 1 large one at the front (46 stories) and two smaller further back in a triangle shape (38 and 32 stories).

·      The rest of the buildings are lower (12 stories at highest point) and stepped in descending height towards the river. 

·      Working Ship Wrights on the left of the development.

·      The Olympia building with the 'butterfly roof’  a double curve waved roof, right in the middle of the site is Grade II listed and is planned to be the centre focus of the area.  This is planned to be a flexible cultural space with programmed events.

·      Double Dry dock on the right if you are facing the river.  This would be a public area with historical information about the site.

·      Large jetty at the waterfront good view that you can look back to Deptford. Riverboat connection from the Jetty.


There will be accommodation - 15% listed as affordable housing as well as cafes and restaurants, businesses, a hotel, a primary school, public spaces and arts spaces.


The developers want to balance creativity and history with a John Evelyn centre where people can learn about John Evelyn.


GP Surgery

It was commented that the developers are happy to build a GP surgery but at the moment the NHS have said that they don’t have the funds to staff a new surgery.


Resident Groups comments and concerns:


·      Keeping the old walls aroundthe development may make it feel ‘gated’ and not part of the existing community.

·      Oxestalls Road – construction traffic why not use Dragoon Road as Deptford Park primary school will have extra diesel fumes and dangerous construction traffic.

·      Shipwrights Location – now by the park and play areas

·      Training and Employment for local young people

In an area with 55% youth unemployment it was said the development needs to address the needs of the current local people as well of the new people that will be moving in.

·      Careers/ Training/ 18-24/ all ages

It was asked that careers for young people are looked into rather than just jobs in shops and on construction sites. It was asked what opportunities there could be for young people to train as architects or engineers or other more professional careers and if the developers sponsor local young people or have a training legacy in the development.

·      Green Issues-  It was asked if the development is going to have green roof space and use low cost fuels.

       It was asked if there could be a green hub and social enterprises on the development.

·      Use of Olympia Building - It was asked that the building could be a training and arts venue not solely arts as training is more relevant to the local community.

·      Community Development Trust - It was commented that there should be a Community Development Trust set up.

·      Part of the local Area  It was mentioned that it is important that the area is for everyone in Lewisham not just a place for the rich, Arrogan Tower is now 100% private and those residents do not mix with the local community.  There needs to be strong links to bring people in and bring people out of the development.

·      Dense population – It was said that this development shouldn’t be looked at in isolation as there are 4 other developments that are making the area more densely populated.

·      Play Areas -It was asked that more children’s play areas are on the site not just private play areas for residents.


Section 106 (community benefit fund) for Convoys Wharf

There was a discussion in which it was said that the Section 106 money for the development had already been agreed, but as the planning application has not been passed that is not the case.  The section 106 (community benefit) money can not be decided before a planning application is approved.


Several new people took the opportunity to join the Convoys Wharf resident group.



Information on Police, Army, Pathfinder, St Johns Ambulance Cadets for young people



Sergeant Steve Marks from the Lewisham Cadet Unit and YOU ‘Youth in Uniform’ spoke to the assembly about youth cadets.

Young people aged between 13-19 years old can join the police cadets. 

The main organisations in YOU are: Air Training Corps, Army Cadet Force, Boys Brigade, Guides, Scouts, Sea Cadet Corps, St John Ambulance Cadets and Volunteer Police Cadets.  In Lewisham we also have a Pathfinders unit and include the Young Mayor's Advisors (who aren't uniformed).

There are outside activities, the opportunity to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme which is extremely beneficial and is well regarded on CV’s.  Being a cadet also offers discipline, team work skills and self development.

Deptford Green holds a police cadet session on a Thursday between 6.30-9.00.

Young people sometimes join via social services referrals if they are in need of structure and positive activities and joining can have as massive impact on young peoples lives.

Steve took enquiries at the assembly and be contacted on 07980 667358 or



Community Updates



Lewisham Disability Coalition drop in Tuesdays

Raj from Lewisham Disability Coalition (LDC) spoke to the assembly.  She let everyone know that there is a drop in at the 2000 Community Action centre for people with disabilities between 11am -1pm on Tuesdays.   This is a support group and can offer advice and friendly chat.


Lewisham Homes Community Fund

Richard Wright from Lewisham Homes let people know about the Community Fund which is for projects that will benefit Lewisham Homes residents.


Quay Point Newspaper

Everyone was reminded if they want to publicise local issues to contact the Quay Point free newspaper that is circulated locally.

Contact 0208 692 7304  07732 730961.



Royston from NCBI offered a discount on a self esteem workshop on 20 February for £14 and  or 07811 374074.


Dance Fit

It was advertised that there is a dance fit class with a crèche at the 2000 Community Action centre on Tuesdays 10am-11am.  £2 per class. Crèche 50p per child.



No declarations of interest were made at this meeting.