· That officers work with TfL to consider whether current bus movements could be improved to support sustainable cycling and active walking options through the town centre.
· That the report be noted.
5.1 Councillor James-J Walsh (Cabinet Member for Inclusive Regeneration and Planning) was invited to address the Committee – the following key points were noted:
· Consideration was being given to the branding of the new community and cultural hub in Lewisham (the former library) to determine an appropriate name for its new functions.
· There was an ambitious timeline for the delivery of the programme.
· Outputs from the engagement work with the local community could be shared with members of the Committee.
· It should be noted that the size of the Council’s ambition did not fit with the availability of resources, which were very tight across all services.
· Consideration should be given to integration with other schemes in the town centre – particularly those for the Lewisham shopping centre site.
5.2 Spike van der Vliet-Firth (Acting Head of Economy, Jobs and Partnerships) introduced the report – noting the time pressures facing delivery and providing an update on the planning and delivery of the projects in the town centre.
5.3 Spike van der Vliet-Firth and Councillors Walsh and Krupski responded to questions from the Committee (including members attending under standing orders) – the following key points were noted:
· Work was taking place with TfL to ensure that beneficial changes to movements of transport in the town centre could be maintained once the period of temporary diversions ended.
· Careful consideration had to be given to the changes that had been implemented on Molesworth Street to ensure effective sharing of space.
· The development of the Lewisham shopping centre site could create more ‘active usage’ along Molesworth Street.
· There were ongoing uncertainties around the cost of delivery – but this was being actively managed. Contingency funding had also been set aside.
· There were robust controls in place to manage the risks around the delivery of the programme.
· It was acknowledged that building works increased in cost over time.
· Officers had developed a good relationship with funders to ensure that the lines of communication were open and constructive.
· As long as the government funding had been drawn down by the end of March 2026 then delivery could continue with the match funding being provided by the Council.
· It had been noted in the consultation that the route finding through the town centre was lacking – a number of improvements were planned as part of the programme.
· One of the major issues identified in the consultation was the (lack) of feelings of safety in the town centre.
· There were significant opportunities to improve the night time economy in the town centre.
· The market canopy and the cultural and business hub both provided opportunities for night time economy as civic spaces, open for events.
· Officers had been challenged to ensure that the programme enabled businesses to make the most of the opportunities from the renewed town centre.
· Consideration was being given to the ongoing maintenance and care of the market canopy building as part of the commissioning process.
· Officers involved in the delivery of the programme were also responsible for licensing and would be giving consideration to the activation of the scheme (post-construction)
· Further information could be provided about the licensing review.
· The award of funding for renovation of the sculpture park was only a few weeks old – but further information would be provided on the next steps for the scheme.
· Active measures were being taken to ensure that the market did not become victim of gentrification.
· The improvement programme was providing improved access and facilities for existing traders.
· Work was taking place with local groups (including those that were historically underrepresented) to ensure co-design and co-delivery for the future of the sculpture park.
· Lewisham had not been successful in its application to the public sector decarbonisation fund for the hub building. Work had been taking place to ensure that the future design was as energy efficient as it could be.
· The asset disposal from the library service would not lead to a diminishment in the provision of the service.
· Cycle improvements were planned for the southern part of the town centre scheme. The northern section of the scheme was currently unsafe for pedestrians – further work was taking place with TfL to strengthen the area outside Lewisham Police Station.
5.4 Actions:
· That the consultation report be shared with the Committee.
· That further information on the licensing review be provided to the Committee.
· That information be circulated on the work taking place to renovate the sculpture park.
5.5 Resolved:
· That officers work with TfL to consider whether current bus movements could be improved to support sustainable cycling and active walking options through the town centre.
· That the report be noted.
Supporting documents: