Council meetings

Agenda item

68 Ravensbourne Park Crescent, London, SE6 - DC/24/135333


MOVED, SECONDED, and unanimously RESOLVED to GRANT planning permission for the construction of 5 two-storey dwellinghouses, together with cycle parking, refuse storage and associated landscaping on land on the east side of 68 Ravensbourne Park Crescent, SE6,


         Subject to a unilateral undertaking and to the conditions and informatives as outlined in the report, with additional conditions as follows:


i.         That the side access to No. 68’s rear garden would be paved and secured with a lockable gate.


ii.        That steps would be taken to ensure high-quality lighting design and installation in order to prevent adverse impacts of light pollution which can have a detrimental impact on biodiversity and wildlife, local character, pedestrian environment, residential amenity and views of the night sky.

Supporting documents: