It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the application.
4.1. The planning officer gave an illustrative presentation on the application for the demolition of existing garages and construction of 9 dwelling houses, together with associated car and cycle parking spaces, refuse and recycling stores, amenity space, landscaping and associated works on land to the Western Side of Millbank Way, London, SE12.. The key planning considerations were: principle of development; housing; urban design; impact on neighbouring amenity; transport; sustainable development and natural environment. The application was recommended for approval by the officer.
4.2. Members asked that given the space at the front of unit for bin storage is very tight, could this be amended so residents have space to move them in and out, particularly those with accessibility issues. The officer responded that the bin storage area was reviewed by the highways officer, and they raised no concerns with regards to space or accessibility.
4.3. Members also asked who would be responsible for maintaining the green roof. The officer responded that it was conditioned that it must be looked after by developer.
4.4. The applicant was invited to give his presentation. the following were his key points:
The site benefits from a previous planning application which was approved planning for a block of flats. The optimised construction provide less density and more families and the design of the building is in keeping with the neighbouring buildings. The scheme has received support from the planning team and the Lee Manor society welcome the provision of family homes and the retention of the green space. The scheme has considered the comments received from ecology by including the green roofs, net zero and flood risks. There were no objections from highways officers, environmental protection, urban design and tree officers.
Planning consultants advised the applicant to send out letters to neighbours which they took on board. The 16m distance has been kept between front facing windows and non-habitable windows are facing the rear of the property to protect the privacy zone of the rear garden. A condition has been imposed to keep the obscured glazed windows. A daylight/sunlight impact assessment was undertaken where all windows comfortably passed the BRE recommendation.
The development maintains the majority of the green space in addition to a green roof and children’s play area. the overall massing as a lower roof than the previous scheme. Two parking spaces were allowed for the development and have been provided.
4.5. It was asked by members how the risk of overlooking was mitigated. The applicant responded that there was no overlooking at the rear of site. Beyond that is the 10 metre zone which protects the private area and prevents overlooking.
4.6. The objector spoke and raised the following points:
4.7. In correspondence to the letter sent by the applicant, the objector stated that the letter should have been canvassed to 60 neighbouring properties, not the 20 that had received a letter. He wanted to express some broader concerns aspects and believes that a consultation still needs to take place to alleviate the concerns. In regard to visual impact, he stated that there is a blind corner on the development and there's pressure on parking and that creates the danger. he emphasised the need for a consultation, because if the developer had visually interacted, he was not convinced that proposal in comparison to what went before actually achieves appropriate landscaping.
4.8. The officer responded to the objector’s statement that there was engagement surrounding the application, although, it is not a requirement for the developer to consult ahead of the submission of the application.
4.9. Members raised concern about the location of the play area which was at the end of the development near the main road, but close to the units. Members asked officers to provide a condition to ensure the maintenance of the park/play area.
4.10. It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the application specifying the tree retention and protection highlighted in condition 19 and the maintenance plan for the play area.
Supporting documents: