1. Referral from Forest Hill Assembly regarding GP provision in the ward
2. Comments of the Sustainable Development Select Committee on Levelling Up Funding
3. Comments of the Sustainable Development Select Committee on Sustainable Streets
4. Comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Asset Management
It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet:
· Noted the motion relating to a resolution from Forest Hill Assembly, and that the request be forwarded to the Health and Wellbeing Board to consider carrying out an up-to-date study of health needs in the Forest Hill area, with a view to increasing GP capacity in the Forest Hill ward.
· Considered comments and views made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee that arose from discussions on Asset Management, and that those be forwarded to the Interim Executive Director of Place for a response.
· Considered comments and views made by of the Sustainable Development Select Committee that arose from discussions relating to the delivering of the Levelling Up Fund Programme in Lewisham Town Centre, and that those be forwarded to the Interim Executive Director of Place for a response.
· Considered comments and views made by the Sustainable Development Select Committee that arose from discussions relating to the sustainable streets programme, and that those be forwarded to the Interim Executive Director of Place for a response.
3.1 Resolution from Forest Hill Assembly regarding General Practitioners’ provision in the Forest Hill ward.
3.1.1 Councillor Billy Harding addressed the meeting both as the Chair of the Forest Hill Assembly (Assembly) and a ward Councillor of Forest Hill on the resolution. He expressed his support for the Assembly’s request that Mayor and Cabinet should ask the Lewisham Health and Wellbeing Board to consider carrying out an up-to-date health needs in the Forest Hill area, with a view to increasing GP capacity in that ward.
3.1.2 It was recognised that should any primary healthcare needs be carried out as requested, that could result in a change in access to primary care in the Forest Hill ward.
3.1.3 The meeting also noted that the Assembly’s resolution closely aligned:
· To priority Health and Wellbeing of residents because it was concerned with access to primary care and reducing health inequalities, especially for those whom walking or travelling long distances might be challenging.
· To the Cleaner and Greener priority by potentially supporting and enabling residents to use active travel for their health appointments, as they would be less likely to use a vehicle to get to a GP’s appointment if the surgery venue was nearer to their homes.
The Assembly’s request was AGREED.
3.2 Comments on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) on Asset Management
3.2.1 Councillor Rudi Schmidt addressed the meeting as Chair of the OSC, highlighting comments and views made by the OSC that arose from discussions on Asset Management.
3.2.2 The meeting noted that the OSC were recommending that:
· The asset management strategy should come to OSC prior to its consideration by Mayor and Cabinet (at the OSC meeting on 6 February 2024, if timelines allowed).
· There should be a wider consideration of the value of land - its economic value, geographical location and social value should be included in all key considerations in the decision-making process for the development or disposals of assets.
· Master planning for the long-term use of the Council’s assets should take place, including combined use, creative zones, and industrial units.
· The Council should consider a wider acquisition strategy.
· A more ambitious investment partnership strategy should be adopted.
· All assets proposed for disposal or change of use should be highlighted to scrutiny, and ward councillors, including those below the key decision threshold of £1.5m.
· Equalities considerations should be part of all asset management decisions, with Equalities Analysis Assessments (EAAs) carried out where required.
· Ongoing clarity should be provided in relation to existing and potential plans for meeting net zero ambition, including planned and necessary works, as well as secured funding and gaps.
The referral by the OSC was AGREED.
3.3 Comments of the Sustainable Development Select Committee (SDSC) on the Levelling Up Fund Programme in Lewisham Town Centre
3.3.1 Councillor James Royston addressed the meeting as Chair of the SDSC, requesting that Mayor and Cabinet note matters that arose from the SDSC’s discussions on the delivering of the Levelling Up Fund Programme in Lewisham Town Centre.
3.3.2 It was recognised that the SDSC noted the Council’s objective to make the borough carbon neutral by 2023 and were encouraging the ambitious delivery of energy efficiency and retrofit measures as part of the renovation of Lewisham Library1, and that Members would encourage bids for external funding to enhance the work.
3.3.3 The meeting noted that the recommendations made by the SDSC were that:
· Further consideration should be given to the development of the night-time offer in Lewisham Town Centre, including food and beverage options, as well as the potential for live music, with a view to build on existing knowledge and experiences of success elsewhere in London.
· Further work should take place with young people, including those experiencing disability and members of groups with other protected characteristics (as defined in the Equality Act 2010), as well as a cross section of people from different socio-economic backgrounds to co-design the work taking place, particularly in relation to the accessibility and suitability of public spaces.
· Further work should take place to communicate to residents and businesses about alternative arrangements following the temporary closure of Lewisham Library.
· A system of impact measurement should be developed to ensure that the redevelopment was meeting its intended objectives and should include an assessment of the availability of workspaces in the refurbished library for students.
The referral by the SDSC was AGREED.
3.4 Comments from the SDSC on the Sustainable Streets Programme
3.4.1 Councillor James Royston addressed the meeting as Chair of the SDSC on matters that arose from comments and views of the SDSC regarding the Sustainable Streets Programme.
3.4.2 The meeting noted that the recommendations by the SDSC were that:
· Further information (and timelines) be provided on the implementation of cycle hangars, parklets and improvements to the transparency of communication around waiting lists for cycle parking.
· Priority should be given to enforcing contraventions in areas with existing parking controls – particularly in the case of protected junctions, cycle lanes and anti-social pavement parking.
· The SDSC would welcome further improvements and enlargement of protected space for active travel.
· The maps being used in the consultation should be updated with the current ward boundaries.
· Councillors (particularly those in wards impacted by the programme) be engaged at an early stage of the development of proposals – and kept up to date as consultations are carried out and lessons learns from each stage in the process. Consideration should also be given to engaging more effectively with the views and concerns of underrepresented groups.
· Consideration should be given to how best the advantages and benefits of active travel improvements (including new electric vehicle infrastructure, improved green spaces and cycle parking) can be communicated and enjoyed. The SDSC believed that this should happen at an early stage of engagement with residents, to balance concerns regarding the potential perceived negative impacts, such as parking charges. The SDSC also believed that the improvements being delivered through the sustainable streets programme should be aligned with the Council’s broader ambitions for active travel.
The referral by the SDSC was AGREED.
Having considered the referrals, it was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that Mayor and Cabinet:
· Noted the motion relating to a resolution from Forest Hill Assembly, and that the request be forwarded to the Health and Wellbeing Board to consider carrying out an up-to-date study of health needs in the Forest Hill area, with a view to increasing GP capacity in the Forest Hill ward.
· Considered comments and views made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee that arose from discussions on Asset Management, and that those be forwarded to the Interim Executive Director of Place for a response.
· Considered comments and views made by of the Sustainable Development Select Committee that arose from discussions relating to the delivering of the Levelling Up Fund Programme in Lewisham Town Centre, and that those be forwarded to the Interim Executive Director of Place for a response.
· Considered comments and views made by the Sustainable Development Select Committee that arose from discussions relating to the sustainable streets programme, and that those be forwarded to the Interim Executive Director of Place for a response.
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