Council meetings

Agenda item

Sustainable transport and parking improvements programme

Late item


·         that further information (and timelines) be provided on the implementation of cycle hangars, parklets and the transparency of communication around waiting lists.

·         that priority should be given to enforcing contraventions in areas with existing controls – particularly in the case of protected junctions, cycle lanes and anti-social pavement parking.

·         that the Committee would welcome further improvements and enlargement of protected space for active travel.

·         that further consultation should take place with the Committee regarding the future development of the programme and - that a further report should come to the Committee’s meeting on 12 September.

·         that the maps being used in the consultation should be updated with the current ward boundaries.

·         that the report and its recommendations be noted.



6.1    This report was late. Officers provided the following reason: This report was not available for the original despatch because officers are undergoing final analysing of consultation results.


6.2    The Chair accepted that there were sufficient reasons for this to be included as an urgent item, the reasons given by officers were included in the report: The analysis of consultation responses and any recommendations for implementation of Sustainable Streets measures will be presented to Mayor and Cabinet on 19 July 2023 for decision. Officers would welcome feedback from the Sustainable Development Select Committee on the abridged report ahead of the decision making.


6.3    Paul Boulton (Interim Director of Public Realm) and Seamus Adams (Head of Commercial Operations and Development) introduced the report – providing an overview of the consultation and proposals for the next stage of the decision making process.


6.4    Paul Boulton and Seamus Adams responded to questions from the Committee (including members attending under standing orders) – the following key points were noted:

·         Attempts were being made to find the right balance between positive measures and restrictions (a ‘carrot and stick’ approach) to reduce pollution, congestion, and commuter parking.

·         It was intended to include more car club bays as part of the delivery of the programme.

·         Decisions around the implementation of new measures was led by demand.

·         There were plans to install new cycle storage facilities in the coming months. This would include providing more information to people on the waiting list regarding their application.

·         The data that had been gathered from the consultation process would enable the further targeting of improvements.

·         Further work would take place to support those affected by any future changes.

·         Further information would be provided on the responses to the consultation in the Mayor and Cabinet report. It was important to pay attention to the concerns and issues raised by residents.

·         It was hoped that people would recognise the benefits of the programme as it was implemented. It was not only about parking – but there were many options for implementing quality improvements.

·         Further work needed to take place to engage with non-car drivers and those who were sceptical of the consultation process.

·         Lobbying was taking place with Transport for London to provide more options for public transport.

·         Zip car had a programme for the electrification of its fleet – which the Council was supporting.


6.5    In Committee discussions – the following key points were also noted:

·         Members noted the perceived lack of transparency around the availability of cycle hangars, the coordination of the waiting list and the level of responsiveness from emails to officers regarding casework on these issues.

·         Better communication around active travel measures would be welcomed.

·         It was noted that Lewisham had low levels of controlled parking.

·         There was concern regarding the increased numbers of cyclists and pedestrians who were being killed or seriously injured on Lewisham’s roads.

·         There was concern about the levels of resistance and resident concerns about the programme.

·         Members welcomed the work that had taken place – and recognised that some parts of the consultation had been difficult and unpleasant.

·         The maps in the report should be updated with the new ward boundaries.


6.6    Councillor Louise Krupski (Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport) was invited to address the Committee – the following key points were noted:

·         Zip cars might help reduce reliance on privately owned cars. Their levels of utilisation were higher which meant they required less street space.

·         Future work would take place to develop green improvements and ‘parklets’ – but it was important to continue with implementing the programme without delay. Further work would take place to determine which improvements residents would most like to see on their streets.

·         It was recognised that transparency around the provision of cycle storage was important. The Council had struggled to keep up with levels of demand.

·         It was important to note that future work could take place with areas that had initially hesitant to consider improvements.

·         The messaging from the Council to Transport for London about the importance of busses was having an impact.


Supporting documents: