Council meetings

Agenda item

Parks and Open Spaces update


·         That further information should be provided about the Council’s use of glyphosate week killer.

·         That the Glendale event form would be shared with members.

·         That an update should be provided on the provision of charging points for concessions (i.e. ice-cream vans) in parks.


6.1    Vince Buchanan (Head of Sports, Parks and Leisure) and Neville Graham (Sports and Leisure Service Manager) introduced the report. Vince highlighted the work carried out by the parks service to develop the Parks and Open Spaces strategy (in consultation with the Committee). He also highlighted the progress on delivering the strategy – and the key points from the annual monitoring report. Neville outlined the process for developing the playing pitch strategy in 2019 and provided an update on current work taking place in the sports and leisure service.


6.2    Vince Buchanan and Neville Graham (Sport and Leisure Services Manager) responded to questions from the Committee – the following key points were noted:

·         The football foundation’s interest in Whitefoot playing fields was welcome. Consideration would also be given to options for improving the changing rooms and other facilities on site.

·         Feasibility work had been taking place regarding the development of the Grove Park urban national park – further consideration could be given to incorporating this work into the annual monitoring report.

·         Consideration would be given to including information in the monitoring report about the amount of external funding and grants that had been successfully secured each year.

·         Further information would be provided regarding the provision of charging points for concessions in parks.

·         There was no strategy for changing rooms – but further consideration would be given to improving provision.

·         There were benefits to artificial playing surfaces – but it was important that there was a balance between the provision of pitches of artificial grass (that could be played all year round) and the retention of natural grass pitches.

·         It should be noted that grass pitches also had an environmental impact in terms of the maintenance, levelling and weed control they required.

·         Careful consideration was given to the provision of events in parks – apart from the Council’s own ‘People’s Day’ no park was ever completely closed to the general public.

·         The current contractor (Glendale) received the income from events in parks – so it was in their interest to attract quality events. This also had the benefit of subsidising the cost of the contract. Glendale had responsibility for making good any damage to parks in the unlikely case that there were problems.

·         Work was taking place to bring the playing pitches at the Bridge Leisure centre back into use.

·         Provision of facilities for cricket was one of the Council’s key priorities.

·         The Council had adopted an integrated weed management plan. Further information about the use of glyphosate weed killer would be provided to the Committee.

·         The opening hours of some facilities had been changed post-pandemic. These were constantly under review – as was the provision of access of facilities to the public.


6.3    In Committee discussions the following key points were also noted:

·         Members welcomed the level of additional funding and grants the parks service had been able to bring into the borough.

·         Consideration should be given to increasing the numbers of playing pitches and changing spaces in the borough.


6.4    Resolved:

·         That further information should be provided about the Council’s use of glyphosate week killer.

·         That the Glendale event form would be shared with members.

·         That an update should be provided on the provision of charging points for concessions (i.e. ice-cream vans) in parks.


Supporting documents: