Council meetings

Agenda item

Land at Church Grove London SE13 7UU


RESOLVED that the application be granted for the retention of a community hub building, comprising of a mixed use of a shared office space (Class E(g)(i)) and multi-use community space (Class F2(b)., subject to the conditions and informatives in the report.



4.1       The Planning Officer gave an illustrative presentation recommending the grant of planning permission for the retention of a community hub building, comprising of a mixed use of a shared office space (Class E(g)(i)) and multi-use community space (Class F2(b)., subject to the conditions and informatives in the report.


4.2       The Committee noted the report and that the main issues were:


• Principle of Development;

• Urban Design and Impact on Heritage Assets;

• Impact on Adjoining Properties;

• Highways and Transport

• Sustainability




4.3      A presentation was made by one of the volunteers from RUSS (Rural Urban Synthesis Society) in support of the application. He outlined the principles and the history of RUSS. He said that the community hub, which had been created by RUSS in 2019, had sustainable credentials with many of the construction materials originating from reclaimed sources. In order to continue this sustainability legacy, the community hub should be retained.


4.4       The running of the community hub was taken very seriously by RUSS and was operated professionally. The building held all the necessary compliance certificates and insurance. There was also robust management policies and controls in place for all users of the hub. Potential hirers were vetted by the volunteer hub manager and required to comply with their standard conditions of hire. Local key holders were available to resolve issues but this had never been necessary.


4.5       When the adjacent residential scheme was complete, RUSS residents and volunteers would closely supervise the community hub and its users. Since 2019, the hub had been of benefit to hundreds of people from a wide range of groups. The groups that use the hub and regular external bookings were then outlined. RUSS’s hire charges were competitive and local community groups and near neighbours were offered a ‘pay what you can’ rate. All income from the hub was reinvested into community objectives.


4.6       There was proven current and anticipated demand to retain the hub for RUSS and the community, based on nearly 4 years of operating experience and associated data. Retaining community assets was in alignment with key local, regional, and environmental policies and was of benefit to all. There were no plans to change the hub, the application had been made to ensure that the existing and successful hub was made permanent for the benefit of the local community.


4.7       In response to a question about the reason for retrospective planning consent, members were advised that a pre application meeting was held in January 2022. An application was made in May 2022 but due to resourcing challenges within the planning team, it had taken in excess of a further 14 weeks before it was submitted to Committee. The applicant then read out the hours of operation as outlined in the report.


4.8       There were no objectors present.


4.9       The Committee considered the submissions made at the meeting. It was moved and seconded and;;


RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED for the retention of a community hub building, comprising of a mixed use of a shared office space (Class E(g)(i)) and multi-use community space (Class F2(b)., subject to the conditions and informatives in the report.



Supporting documents: