Cllr Lavery provided a presentation on the rationale behind the Council’s approach to Sustainable Streets. Full background information can be obtained at:
A discussion followed, during which a number of statements were made and questions raised.
Key points raised included:
Questions and answers:
1. How would the proposed system be agreed?
The exact process has not yet been confirmed. However, it would involve those residents most affected by any change.
2. A significant number of parked vehicles belong to people from out-of-borough. How would the system address this?
It was noted that other boroughs, such as Bromley, have restricted parking hours which prevent all day parking for people seeking to use the borough for commuting. Approaches such as this would be explored in developing proposals in Lewisham.
3. Is the Council aware that parking fees represent a regressive tax, particularly during a time of cost-of-living crisis?
The Council’s developing policy is taking this into account and one of the principles of the scheme is that the proposed changes would be funded from income derived from any parking scheme.
4. A question was raised about the statement in the consultation that specific initiatives would not be introduced unless there was “overwhelming support” for them. The question related to how “overwhelming support” would be defined and it was suggested that this should be added to the FAQ document.
Councillors agreed this isn’t clear and would raise this with officers.
5. A question was asked about the cost of the consultation.
Councillors confirmed that the consultation had been costed and would be funded from S.106 funds specifically earmarked for the purpose.
Additional questions raised included queries about the rates to be charged for business parking and whether any of the proposed scheme included improvements to pavements.
Statements and concerns raised included:
· Glad consultation is taking place as there is a need to reduce car use for health reasons.
· A related point was made about engine idling and the need for an education campaign in Lewisham to help increase understanding of the health implications of this.
· Half of Lewisham households don’t own a car.
· This is the fourth time that Sydenham residents have been consulted on parking zones.
· Many people use cars out of necessity and to meet basic needs, e.g. medical reasons.
· Many concerns were voiced about the implications of parking restrictions for people visiting residents by car. However, a point was made that controlled parking would be integral to addressing the climate crisis and that there were already 25 Controlled Parking Zones across the borough.
· A point was raised about the prospect of treating Lewisham as one zone for parking and whether this was realistic, given the variety of geographies and demographics across the borough, e.g. differences between town centres and residential streets.
· Improved signage is needed to enable people to take advantage of current parking. This would be more the case under any future scheme.
· Lack of public transport is a major concern if people are to be encouraged to rely on private cars less.
· Increased electric charging ports are needed to accommodate new electric cars.
· It was recommended that, as part of the strategy, the Council should be looking into replacing missing trees.
· A resident expressed the view that the proposed annual fee for residents’ parking was not the critical factor. She was more concerned about the impact of continued uncontrolled car use on local health.
Councillors agreed to keep residents informed about consultation feedback and future proposals.