3.2 James started with an update on the staffing on his team which is currently consists of PC and 2 PCSOs who have been with the team for 2 years.
3.3 The team should have a second PC and it is hoped that this role will be filled shortly.
3.4 Currently the team are engaged in the Your Street, Our Beat initiative which is designed to give high visibility of Officers who visit every street in the ward as part of the focus on crime prevention through active engagement with residents. This work is often carried out with the help of colleagues form other areas.
2.5 One of the biggest concerns is speeding. Unfortunately, it is hard to have lasting impact of this work without there being a change in infrastructure.
2.6 There has been a 13% rise in crime reporting in the ward during the last quarter (compared with an increase of 11% across Lewisham borough).
2.7 Key crime figures for Crofton Park in the last month are
1. 29 incidents of ASB which has seen a 15% fall
2. 28 crimes involving assault or violence
3. 15 incidents of vehicle related crime
3.8 There have also been 7 burglaries and 3 robberies which we are working to reduce in number.
Q. You mentioned speeding but for the past 9 years none of the cameras have been working so how are you tackling this?
3.9 Cllr Anwar said that there are definitely cameras that are working as he had received a notice recently.
3.10 James replied that the cameras are the responsibility of TfL not the Police, however James has been assured by the Chief Constable that traffic violations in Lewisham are being investigated. He suggested that further information could be request by raising a Freedom of Information (FoI) request.
3.11 There was a request for an update on the pedestrian who was recently hit at around midnight on the zebra crossing by Crofton Park station, which is a hot spot for accidents due to speeding.
3.12 Residents have previously written to Cllrs to express concern that there have been many collisions on this crossing.
3.13 It is not just the speeding; the crossing is located at the junction with Marnock Road so drivers turning left are looking at on coming traffic coming from there right along Brockley Road. When people approach the zebra crossing the drivers on Brockley Road stop for the pedestrians but driver coming out of Marnock think that they are being let out and then have to jam on their brakes to avoid the pedestrians. It is a very bad piece of road design.
3.14 James replied that this is an open investigation which is being undertaken by colleagues in the Traffic Division.
Q. Is there something that can be done about people riding e-scooter and bikes on the pavements as the can be very frightening?
3.15 James asked if there were particular hotspots for this behaviour as they are the community road watch events where resident can help to gather evidence along side the police.
3.16 These were earmarked for Crofton Park but they have moved the location, however please contact James with details and he can then put a case for this.
3.17 Cllr Anwar also asked resident to speak to him as he will raise with the person in charge.
3.18 James drew residents’ attention to the ward panels which take place at Crofton Park Library on a Saturday morning, details below.
3.19 The panel meets three times a year and gives local crime statistics and information on recent incidents including anti-social behaviour. Helpful tips on personal safety,protecting your home and personal property is always on the agenda, and exploring working together.
Q. What is the stance on the demonstrations against and counter demonstrations that are taking place outside the Honor Oak Pub?
A. Unfortunately, the group that is protesting is not banned so the is very little that the Police can do.
Q. What is the cost of the extra policing?
A. I don’t know but there were substantial numbers of officer deployed.
3.20 There will be new regulation coming in which will give police the powers to arrest.
3.21 As there were no further questions Cllr Barnham thanked James for coming along to give his update and answer the questions.