2. Sustainable Transport and Parking Proposals
Presentation responding to residents’ concerns and pre-submitted questions
2.1 Cllr Barnham introduced Seamus outlining that there had been a call for questions prior to the Assembly so that we could ensure that residents’ concern could be addressed during the meeting.
2.2 Seamus explained that he would give an overview of the context and rationale for the proposals, take residents through the process and would give responses to the questions that had been raised.
Note: Throughout there were multiple interruptions from the floor with several people talking at once which, at times, made it difficult to capture accurately what was being said. The attached presentation; however, does give answer to all of the issues raised in response to the open call for questions. Please contact sarah.lang@lewisham.gov.uk if there is missing information due to multiple people speaking at once and notes will be amended.
2.3 To set the context Seamus outlined that the aspiration is that ourtarget for 80% of all journeys in Lewisham to be made by walking, cycling or public transport by 2041.
2.4 The strategy is designed to improve street scape environment and, at the same time increase road safety through the addition of double yellow lines at junctions.
2.6 The strategy will deliver CPZ schemes through an area-based approach, rather than individual roads which just push parking onto other streets, leading changes to how people move about the borough.
2.7 The first phase of the programme is taking place in Catford/Crofton Park and Deptford where this approach has been received well.
2.8 Currently there is a plan for the second phase which incorporates areas between Forest Hillto Millwall Stadium to the West, and Grove Park to the East.
2.9 The proposed third phase will involve South of the borough including areas Sydenham, Bellinghamand Downham, however these plans may change.
2.10 Slide 4 of the attached presentation outlines the timeline of delivery but please note this any changes will only be instigated if the majority of the residents on that street want the changes.
2.11 Consultation ran 17 Jan~26 Feb 2023
2.12 In addition to the online consultation there were the following drop-in sessions for people to find out more and give their views:
3 February 2:30pm ~ 4:30pm St William of York Primary School
6 February 12 noon ~ 2pm Ackroyd Community Centre
8 February 3pm ~ 5pm Stillness Primary School
8 February 4:30 ~ 6:30pm Honor Oak Station
17 February 10:30 ~ 12:30 St Saviours Church
2.14 Conversations were undertaken with key stake holders to get their views including work with local schools.
2.15 Area with low take-up were identified and door knocking was undertaken to ensure that residents had chance to feed into the results.
2.16 At this point the interruptions and multiple questions being shouted by various resident became such that it was impossible to make out what was being said. Cllr Barnham called for order to be restored.
Q. Will there be minutes of this meeting?
A. Yes, Sarah is taking notes from the back of the room.
Q. Why are you taking this approach?
A. As part of our commitment to tackling climate change which includes lessening car journey by providing safer opportunities for people to walk and cycle.
Q. What data was used to create this approach?
A. We looked at the levels of parking to evaluate where there was stress.
Q. Why this package?
A. We wanted to give people choice within the realm of what is possible for their street, including replacing street trees that have died.
2.15 There is provision for lots of cycle hangars but over 50% of cycle hangars that are already installed are empty.
Q. Why haven’t Lewisham been more ambitious with its plans?
A. We need to bring people with us and this means that we need to create the infrastructure to cut car journeys before people will decide to switch to walking, cycling or public transport by. We have had feedback that people want more cycle lanes.
Q. Is this just a money-making scheme?
A. No, all money made from parking fines is used to finance parking and other transport projects.
2.16 There was a comment that the online questionnaire was flawed as it only asks what residents want and does not give them the option to say that they do not want any changes.
Q. Where is the money coming from?
A. Various sources, some of it is from Section 106 agreement which developers pay the Council to spend on infrastructure to offset the impact of developments over a certain number of residences.
This money usually has a spend by date written into the agreement so needs to be used by that date or it is returned to the developer.
There is also money available from the TfL Local Improvement Plan funds which can be used for things like School Streets and cycle lanes.
2.17 A resident raised that not everyone received a leaflet.
2.18 Seamus asked that any resident who had not had a pack please contact him so that this can be rectified as it is important that those who wish to comment have had the opportunity to do so.
2.19 It was raised that the processes need to be transparent as the consultation portal show that the scope is Deptford and Catford and does not mention Crofton Park. The circumstances in the two areas are very different.
2.23 Cllr Krupski assured residents that these are two distinct schemes. The consultations are running alongside each other and are using the same methodology but are separate from each other.
Q. What will the money generated from the extra permits be used for?
A. This has not yet been agreed but it would need to be in line with section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act (1984) such covering the cost of concessionary parking permits, maintaining streetscapes etc.
2.20 Seamus outlined that the current enforcement provider is MSL which, along with Project Centre, are part of Marston (Holdings) Ltd tendering process for enforcement which will be open for re-procurement soon.
Q. Are you going to listen if people do not want these changes?
A. Seamus reiterated that this is a consultation; if the majority of residents on a street do not want the suggested infrastructure changes, it will not happen.
2.21 A resident raised that there would be many people who do not know about these proposals.
2.22. Seamus reiterated that packs had been sent to all the residents in the consultation areas and that there had been extensive door knocking in areas of low uptake.
2.23 In addition there had been a separate part of the strategy which covered the needs of and potential impact on small businesses.
2.24 It was raised that the needs of community buildings had not been scoped; for instance, the churches will have parking needs for their day to day work such as funerals. The needs of the bereaved should be handled with sensitivity.
2.25 Seamus asked for contact details to be given to him during the break so that he could arrange a visit to discuss these specific needs.
Q. What will happen for visitors or residents with care needs?
A. There are both visitor passes which can be purchased in advance and there is no limit to the number you can purchase. If someone has care needs, they can apply for a permit which they keep and can be given to a visitor. This is issued to the person who needs care so it needs to be given back to them each time if there is more than one care giver.
Q. A resident with a childminding business highlighted that she runs her business from home which includes space for cars for staff.
A. Seamus outlined that there are business passes for parking and that someone could come and have a look at these specific needs as part of the consultation process.
2.26 The Council is lobbying TfL for Santander bike hire schemes as well as talking to other scheme that do not need docking stations.
2.27 There is LIP funding for 75 cycle hangar this year and 75 next year.
2.28 Cllr Barham thanked Seamus for his extensive information and called a short break for refreshments.