Council meetings

Agenda item

Unit 5, Goldcrest House, 32-64 Lee High Road, London, SE13 5FH


Unit 5 Goldcrest House, 32-64 Lee High Road, SE13 5FH

Lewisham LBC, Licensing Committee

Application for premises licence




1.    Mr Juan Chicaiza Erazo (“the Applicant”) has submitted an application for a premises licence for Unit 5 Goldcrest House, 32-64 Lee High Road, SE13 5FH (“the Premises”).


2.    The application seeks authorisation for the following licensable activities:


Sale by retail of alcohol for consumption on the premises

1100-2330 (Sun-Thurs)

1100-0330 (Fri-Sat)

1100-0400 (Christmas Eve)

1100-1100 (NYE)

Late night refreshment

Live music

Recorded music

2300-0000 (Sun-Thurs)

2300-0400 (Fri-Sat)

2300-0400 (Christmas Eve)

2300-0500 (NYE)


3.    There were two relevant representations in response to the application, received from a member of the public.  There were no objections from the responsible authorities, however, a list of conditions were agreed between the Applicant and the police prior to the hearing.


4.    The Licensing Committee held a hearing on 21 December 2022 to consider the representations.


5.    In making its decision, the Committee has taken into account all of the papers in the reports pack and the evidence and submissions presented by the parties at the hearing.  It has also taken into account the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and the Home Office’s statutory guidance.


6.    The Committee’s decision is to grant the application.  Its reasons are as follows:


·         The proposed variation would not extend the Premises’ authorised trading hours, as the proposed hours for regulated entertainment mirror that already permitted for the sale of alcohol.


·         The Premises have traded within its existing hours without any significant problems being reported to the responsible authorities.  It is significant that no responsible authority objected to the application.


·         A detailed list of conditions have been agreed with the Applicant which will minimise the potential for noise nuisance.


·         Accordingly the Committee considers it is unlikely that granting this application will cause public nuisance and therefore it is appropriate to vary the licence as sought, subject to the conditions listed at pages 37-39 of the reports pack.


7.    There is a right of appeal against this decision.  Any appeal should be made to the magistrates’ court within 21 days beginning with the day on which the appellant was notified of this decision.


3.1      The Chair welcomed all parties to the Licensing Committee. She introduced those present and outlined the procedure to be followed for the meeting. She then invited the Crime, Enforcement and Regulation (CER) Officer to introduce the application.




3.2     The (CER) Officer said that the application was in respect to an application for a new premises licence for Unit 5, Goldcrest House, 32-64 Lee High Road, London, SE13 5FH. It was a basement premises situated in a large mixed-use building. She outlined the application. Two representations had been received from local residents on the grounds of the prevention of public nuisance, prevention of crime and disorder and public safety.


3.3      Objections had not been received from responsible authorities because conditions had been agreed.  The powers available to members when making their decision was then outlined. The premises had been operating under Temporary Event Notices (TEN) over 24 days in the current calendar year. No complaints had been received in respect of any of these events. The premises had a maximum capacity of 85 people.


3.4      Councillor Brown said that an email dated 25 November 2023 referred to a previous email which had not been included in the agenda. The (CER) Officer said that it had been excluded because the content referred to another premises. Councillor Brown asked officers to check that all future information submitted to this committee was relevant to the application.




3.5      The Agent, Mr Lake, spoke on behalf of the applicant. He said that he was satisfied that the correct process had been followed. The views of objectors were important. If the application was granted, he hoped that they would come into the premises and enjoy the facilities.


3.6      At the weekend, security at the premises would be given due attention. Sound would not escape because it had been tested physically. Unit 5, Goldcrest House was ready to open when the licence was granted.


3.7      Councillor Shrivasava asked whether the capacity of the venue was 85. Mr Lake said that it was 100 and this number was based on one person per square metre.


3.8      Councillor Shrivasava asked the applicant for information about the TENs hosted at the venue in the last 12 months and what events would be held in the venue. Mr Lake said that Unit 5, Goldcrest House was a basement café. It was cosy and separate from noise and traffic. The premises licence holder was of Latin American heritage and offered an array of snacks for friends and co-workers, with many other people coming to the venue because they had heard about the events from friends and social media.


3.9      Mr Lake said that the applicant had applied for TENs before a new licence, because he wanted to gauge how successful the events were and to promote these events. There was potential to host birthday parties and create a club atmosphere.


3.10    Councillor Brown asked about the hours of the TENs and why the applicant wanted a premises licence until 4am. He also asked for details of the smoking area on the pavement outside the premises and how it would be enclosed. Mr Lake said that staff had not been asked to smoke by patrons. Smoking was not encouraged, and a sign would be displayed stating that vaping and smoking were not allowed. Security would manage patrons on the pavement Events would not always end at 4am but the opportunity to open late was available if business increased on a Friday and Saturday.


3.11    Ms Rhodes clarified that TENs were applied for until 4am. They did not always end at this time, but there had never been any issues.


3.12    In response to a question from the Chair, Mr Lake said that the premises was in the basement with its own ground floor access and reception. He confirmed that there were not any safety issues.


3.13    Councillor Shrivastava understood that the events at the premises would attract people of Latin American heritage. He asked what the venue would mean to Latin American people in the area, whether many patrons were local or whether most travelled. Mr Lake said that the premises was frequented by people with friends or family connection. The applicant was well known for the events he had hosted he had a number of followers and was an influencer.


3.14    In summary, Mr Lake said that the Temporary Event Notices enabled the applicant to consider whether to apply for a permanent licence. He realised that he had to advertise his business and encourage local residents to the venue. The applicant had considered claims of noise nuisance from objectors. He encouraged everyone to attend events at the venue including councillors.


3.15   There were no objectors present at the meeting.


3.16    Members confirmed that they had been present throughout the meeting and had not lost connection. 


3.17    A decision letter would be sent out within 5 working days. She thanked all parties for their attendance, and they left the meeting.


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