Council meetings

Agenda item

Maximising Creative and Community Workspaces in Lewisham - TFG Review Scope


3.5       RESOLVED:


1)    That the scope be agreed subject to the addition of a focus on:


·         Inclusivity including looking at building in equality and diversity considerations to the TFG’s review.

·         Considering spaces for mixed use in particular to include workspaces with study spaces as well as looking at the role of libraries in providing work spaces for young people.


2)    That Councillor Ingleby provide the TFG with information on the work he had carried out with colleagues in the previous municipal year including looking at the asset register.




3.1      Katie Wood, Scrutiny Manager introduced the report to the Committee and highlighted that the scope included two main workstreams – the affordable workspace stream and the live music strategy stream. Section 5 highlighted the first iteration of expected outcomes, but the scope did not have to be static and as the TFG investigated the issues during the discovery phase of the review, these could be amended. Following the discussion and presentation received on item 4 on Affordable Workspaces Strategy, the Committee had mentioned a number of additional areas of focus and were asked to think carefully about the time and capacity of Members and Officers and to prioritise work on areas where they felt they would most add value. The additional areas of focus mentioned were:


·         To include a focus on spaces for young people as part of the review including considering the role of libraries in providing spaces for young people to study.

·         To add information and discussion on inequalities and accessibility in the cultural sector and ensure equalities and inclusion was a strong focus of both the TFG and the Affordable Workspaces Strategy.

·         For Councillor Ingleby to provide details of work previously carried out by himself and colleagues to be included in the evidence considered as part of the discovery phase of the review.


3.3       The following additional key points were made during the discussion:


·         A member of the TFG mentioned reviewing the asset register as part of the review and possibly sending a questionnaire to all members of the Council asking them to let the TFG know if they knew any areas in their ward that might be suitable for workspaces. The TFG were informed that reviewing the asset register would be a very big piece of work and they should carefully consider whether it was the best use of time and be clear what outcomes they would hope to achieve.

·         Regarding the Live Music Strategy, it was suggested that the TFG could ask the Musicians Union if it could survey members in the borough.

·         A member of the TFG suggested that consideration of remote workers’ needs could form part of the review.

·         As part of the High Streets survey, the Council tracked empty commercial properties in high streets.


3.4       Councillor Schmidt highlighted the proposals for the Affordable Workspace Strategy working in partnership with the TFG listed in the presentation at item 4. Some of these were already included in the scope of the review. The proposals included:


·         Engagement session with PRD.

·         Engagement with community groups.

·         Attending the next Affordable Workspace Forum (Dec 2022)

·         Scrutinising and feeding into the Draft of the Affordable Workspace Strategy and Action Plan (due Dec 2022)

·         Involvement in the launch of the Strategy.


3.5       RESOLVED:


1)    That the scope be agreed subject to the addition of a focus on:


·         Inclusivity including looking at building in equality and diversity considerations to the TFG’s review.

·         Considering spaces for mixed use in particular to include workspaces with study spaces as well as looking at the role of libraries in providing work spaces for young people.


2)    That Councillor Ingleby provide the TFG with information on the work he had carried out with colleagues in the previous municipal year including looking at the asset register.


Supporting documents: