Council meetings

Agenda item

Former Allotment Gardens at rear of 2-20 Arcus Road, BR1 4NW (DC/21/124509)


It was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the application for the proposed demolition of garages and re-development of the land to provide residential units, together with associated access works, car parking, cycle parking, landscaping, refuse storage and the installation of a new substation to the rear of Arcus Road and 1-10 Chingley Close BR1, be approved, subject to the conditions set out in the report.


The applicant is advised that the final detailed hard and soft landscaping shall be designed insofar as possible so as to deter anti-social behaviour (including that through inappropriate use of motorcycles and e-bikes) on the approved pedestrian and cyclist access road from Arcus Road, to the rear of existing properties on Glenbow Road.



The presenting officer gave an illustrative presentation of the proposed application. The application proposed the demolition of garages and re-development of the land to provide residential units, together with associated access works, car parking, cycle parking, landscaping, refuse storage and the installation of a new substation to the rear of Arcus Road and 1-10 Chingley Close BR1.


The officer made a correction to the report, on paragraph 86 table 3: should read as 4 2beds for the shared ownership tenure.

The key considerations were: Principle of Development; 100% affordable housing; amenity of existing and future occupiers; transport; landscape and ecology. It was the officer recommendation to approve the application.


The applicant was invited to speak and made the following points: Phoenix Housing provides local resident, community-led social housing. Phoenix held events for the scheme and the engagement was dynamic. Half of the development will be family sized homes. Phoenix is keen to promote zero carbon in the context of the Council’s own climate emergency declaration. The proposal would follow an ultra-low energy dependent design with no use of natural gas. This would lead to up to 80% smaller energy bills in comparison to housing of a similar size, which would be helpful in this current economic climate.


The objectors were invited to speak. The following points were made: The height and massing of the development is considered acceptable in the report but at its highest point the distance is just 16m between the block and the properties on Glenbow Rd. they asked if there will be new back fences to protect privacy of gardens and if there will be measures in place to stop people from dumping rubbish in the alleyway. They also objected against the height of the proposed buildings. They stated that the building would cause overlooking the gardens of numbers 2 and 4.


The officer responded to the points raised by objectors. He made the following points: It is a tight adjacency between the terrace on block 1 and properties on Glenbow Rd. The SPD recommends in such instances 16m being acceptable. If the alleyway falls inside the red line boundary treatment it is restricted with a hard and soft landscaping condition. Members asked Officers to ensure an informative is included that would ensure issue of motorcycle access is addressed.


The officer finalised that Condition 39 can address a need for control obscured glazing to the actual section of the terrace to minimise overlooking into the gardens. Condition 32 has recommended to provide details of acoustic performance enclosure in relation to the substation to ensure there is no unreasonable impact on residents.


The Members considered the application and presented and it was MOVED, SECONDED and RESOLVED to approve the application, subject to the informatives in the officer report. The applicant is advised that the final detailed hard and soft landscaping shall be designed insofar as possible so as to deter anti-social behaviour (including that through inappropriate use of motorcycles and e-bikes) on the approved pedestrian and cyclist access road from Arcus Road, to the rear of existing properties on Glenbow Road.





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