RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED for thedemolition of the existing rear conservatory and construction of a two storey extension to the rear of 52 Loampit Hill, SE13, together with alterations to the roof of the existing rear outrigger and side addition in connection with the formation of a rear and side roof terrace at second floor level subject to the conditions and informatives in the report.
4.1 The Planning Officer gave an illustrative presentation recommending the grant planning permission for the demolition of the existing rear conservatory and construction of a two storey extension to the rear of 52 Loampit Hill, SE13, together with alterations to the roof of the existing rear outrigger and side addition in connection with the formation of a rear and side roof terrace at second floor level subject to the conditions and informatives in the report. The property was a 3 storey Victorian property.
4.2 The Committee noted the report and that the main issues were:
· Principle of Development
· Urban Design
· Impact on Adjoining Properties
4.3 The proposed construction was said to be made of high quality, contemporary materials. It was the officer recommendation to approve the application
4.4 The applicant then gave his presentation. He stated that the proposed construction will improve living space, address a damp conservatory that was built in the early 90s and has poor drainage and 3 roofing spaces that do not interconnect well and had resulted in a number of maintenance issues. The proposal would also seek to improve the outdoor living space.
There were no questions from Members.
4.5 The objector then spoke to the application. She addressed her objections to the use of the outrigger of the terrace under the local authority planning documentation, which she said stated that the removal of roofing is not recommended. She stated that some of the planning decisions contravene what Lewisham policy appears to disprove of.
It was asked of the objector if there were any adjustments to modifications to provide more privacy. She responded that it appeared that adjustments had already been made, which seem to cause different issues- the original proposals puts the terrace above the neighbours bedrooms. The adjusted proposal puts the terrace two-thirds of the way up from the bedroom so their party wall would be aligned with the floor of the terrace, which can create inconvenience i.e. with noise.
4.6 The Planning Officer stated that the application was submitted a year prior. Initially, there were 3 objections, some of which had merit so some changes to the design and proposal were requested.
The position of the terrace had not changed, in terms of its height and position next to the party wall. He stated that that may have been in the initial application that was withdrawn.
He also stated that the 0.5m set between the properties, plus a fence, would minimise the noise impact. The urban design of the area also does not allow any impactful noise in this instance.
4.7 The Committee considered the submissions made at the meeting and
RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED for the demolition of the existing rear conservatory and construction of a two storey extension to the rear of 52 Loampit Hill, SE13, together with alterations to the roof of the existing rear outrigger and side addition in connection with the formation of a rear and side roof terrace at second floor level be GRANTED subject to the conditions and informatives in the report.
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