Council meetings

Agenda item

The Dirty South, 162 Lee High Road, SE13 5PR (DC/21/123592)


RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED for the alteration and conversion of the first and second floors of Dirty South, 162 Lee High Road SE12 into 4 two bedroom self-contained flats, together with the replacement of the existing windows and installation of new windows in the south facing elevation and the provision of bin and cycle storage subject to a S106 Legal Agreement and to the conditions and informatives in the report:


3.1      This item was deferred from the last meeting, on the grounds of privacy and noise impact. The Planning Officer, gave an illustrative presentation recommending the grant planning permission for the alteration and conversion of the first and second floors of Dirty South, 162 Lee High Road SE12 into 4 two bedroom self-contained flats, together with the replacement of the existing windows and installation new windows in the south facing elevation and the provision of bin and cycle storage and to the conditions and informatives in the report:


3.2.      The Committee noted the report and that the main issues were:


·         Principle of Development - impact to the operations of the public house

·         Impact on Adjoining Properties – privacy impact

·         Residential quality

·         Urban design

·         Transport impact

·         Living conditions of neighbouring properties

·         Sustainable development

·         Natural environment



3.3      Officers were satisfied that the public house could continue to operate viably and make a full contribution to the night-time economy of the surrounding area, subject to conditions 3 and 15 which had been updated in  accordance to the noise report.


3.4      The positioning and visibility through the proposed windows were also brought into question at the last meeting. The officer demonstrated that the proposed first floor windows, with achieving an appropriate standard of accommodation for the proposed residential unit while limiting the harms of the privacy of the neighbouring property, and when weighted against the planning merits of the scheme, the modest level of harm is not considered to warrant the refusal of the application. 

            It was the officer recommendation to approve the application.


3.5      The agent for the application made the following points:

He stated that sound insulation is to be installed between the ground floor pub and first floor flats. The pub is not a music venue so amplified music, live or recorded music would play. The grounds of operation would allow acoustic music, but the agent emphasised that it is not a music venue.

Addressing privacy issues in regards to Waterside Court, the agent stated that the existing arrangement results in greater harm to privacy of the side elevation windows. The proposal sought to remove the external staircase and associated platform to include two windows on the first floor and obscured glass will be used for the one window which would also be fixed shut, therefore improving privacy.



            The objector gave his presentation. He stated that his flat looks across from the pub. He expressed his concern about the privacy he would have because of the proposed windows view. He also stated his concern for noise.

            He asked for assurance regarding the potential opening of a pub garden which will cause further nuisance for himself and other neighbours. The Planning Officer stated that the noise impact consideration was for the flats that are in the same dwelling as the pub i.e. the upper floor flats above the pub.



3.6       The Committee considered the submissions made at the meeting and


RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED, for the alteration and conversion of the first and second floors of Dirty South, 162 Lee High Road SE12 into 4 two bedroom self-contained flats, together with the replacement of the existing windows and installation of new windows in the south facing elevation and the provision of bin and cycle storage subject to a S106 Legal Agreement and to the conditions 1-15 and informatives in the report.



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