Council meetings

Agenda item

Libraries and Information Service


That the report be noted.


4.1       Councillor Brenda Dacres introduced the report and highlighted the important role libraries played in the community and the importance of libraries involving with the needs of the communities as well as how librarians and library staff were seen as highly trusted members of the community.


4.2       David Murray, Director of Libraries and Learning and Antonio Rizzo, Head of Library and Information Service were also in attendance to introduce the report and respond to queries. During the subsequent discussion, the following key points were raised:


·         Members of the Committee commented that the report was very good and clearly identified the challenges and highlighted the next steps in particular the ICT requirements and building maintenance concerns. A member of the Committee commented that the “Digital by Default” agenda meant that the IT infrastructure and appropriate funding for it was crucial to supporting vulnerable residents.

·         The scale of cuts in the Library Service had been very large which meant that commitment to investment in the services’ buildings and IT infrastructure was crucial to maintaining its London leading service. The Committee heard that the annual budget had been reduced from around £6 million to approximately £2 million.

·         In response to a question from a member regarding how an entrepreneurial approach could be assured in the service, the Committee heard that the Library Service was thinking in an entrepreneurial way focusing on the many areas libraries supported residents including working with partners to add value. They were focused on the guiding point of what the library service is required to do and within that had lots of examples of innovative ways of working. For example, despite the significant budget restrictions services had been maintained and opening hours extended by 26% and areas such as the transport contract that Lewisham manages and leads on for 20 different local authorities and is being extended further which will deliver substantial efficiencies.

·         Further benefits could be delivered to the Council as a whole as the Library Service becomes a resource for other services such as colleagues in Housing Options and Parking which bring in revenue to other services.

·         A member of the Committee asked whether it was possible for the libraries to generate income by having organisations providing information and support to residents in Lewisham libraries. The Committee heard that this was possible and there were already existing partnerships where this had been successfully done.

·         In terms of how libraries could support people from being digitally excluded, the committee heard that the libraries had an opportunity of being part of helping those who are currently excluded to being part of the digital process, supporting and enabling them to get online. This made getting the IT infrastructure right increasingly important.

·         The Community libraries reflect their own community and respond to their own community needs. There is more that can be done to support the libraries such as with support for volunteers.

·         Lewisham Library has not had the resources to invest in infrastructure up to this point but questions on how it should be developed could be further discussed as part of the strategy. It would be important to ensure that the Library was suitable for modern usage rather than recreating a reference library model that may now be outdated.


4.3       RESOLVED:

That the report be noted.

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