Council meetings

Agenda item

Lewisham Way Youth and Community Centre, 138 Lewisham Way, SE14 6PD - DC/21/122742




That it be noted that the Committee agreed to:


GRANT planning permission for the retrospective planning application for the change of use of Lewisham Way Youth And Community Centre, 138 Lewisham Way SE14 (Use Class F2(b) into a recording studio (Use Class E) with ancillary office space and shared community workspace (Use Class E), together with the alterations to the existing shop front, the construction of a wooden pergola, landscaping works, installation of replacement windows, the creation of cycle parking, waste and recycling facilities and the creation of a ‘community garden.


Subject to conditions and informatives outlined in the report.



Prior to the consideration of this item, Councillor Penfold recused himself.

The Planning Officer gave an illustrative presentation, recommending the grant of planning permission for the proposal, as outlined in the Officer’s report.

The Committee noted the report and that the main issues were: Principle of Development • Urban Design • Impact on Adjoining Properties • Highways and Servicing

Following the Officers presentation, Members questions related to: proposal operation times and application history.

The DMTL advised Members the hours of operation would be from 9 to 6pm.

The DMTL advised the applicant would be able to provide a historical background to the application. The DMTL also provided clarification regarding the original recommendations set out, that governed decisions made by the Mayor and Cabinet, regarding the disposal of the application site.

Members’ did not put any questions to the Officer or DMTL.

The applicant addressed the Committee and described the application site. The applicant discussed: business proposal, application, building history, community support, consultation process, target audience, noise mitigation measures, design, heritage, conservation area, viability.

Following the applicants address, Members questions related to:

Community space and its operation.

The applicant advised Members a large community space would form part of the proposal. It would be available for public use, providing space for activities such as work meetings, within restricted hours.

The applicant advised the Committee that the community space would be managed by the employees of the proposal.

The DMTL informed Members the application under consideration did not require a community usage plan.

A representative from the Brockley Society, addressed the Committee with objections. The representative discussed: change of usage, cultural and musical history of the existing building, benefits of the existing development to the local community. A survey that conveyed the inability to find another organisation, that provided the same service/s locally as provided on the existing application site.

Councillor Stephen Penfold spoke under Standing Orders, against the application, representing his Ward: Brockley. The Councillor discussed: change of use, the cultural and musical history of the existing development. The Councillor shared a visual map of the borough with the Committee, to provide further clarification of the inability to find another organisation that provided the same service/s locally, as provided on the premises of the existing application site. The Councillor recommended the proposal not be approved.

Following Councillor Penfold’s address, Members questions related to: change of use, footfall of existing development, noise.

The DMTL advised Members that questions regarding change of use would need to have been submitted to the Mayor and Cabinet in 2015, when the current site was being disposed of. The DMTL advised the applicant signed a lease agreement for the current use and were now applying for Planning Permission.

The Committee were advised by the DMTL that footfall issues relating to the existing building, were not relevant to the current application under consideration.

The applicant described the proposed noise mitigation measures and advised in last 3 years, no noise related complaints had been received.

The DMTL confirmed there had been no noise complaints or noise abatement notices issued. Members were advised that a noise assessment was conducted, conditions were agreed with the applicant, with regard to noise mitigation. As a result objections to the proposals were withdrawn as the conditions were viewed as robust.

During Member discussion a Member raised a motion for the proposal to be refused on the grounds that no alternative premises were locally available, that provided the same services as the existing development.

The DMTL advised the Committee that the lack of community space locally available was not a viable grounds for refusal.

The DMTL advised Members that if a motion to refuse was granted, the applicant would have grounds for appeal, which would give rise to a risk of an appeal cost award.

The DMTL reiterated that the Mayor and Cabinet decision to dispose of the existing development in 2015, was part of the strategic plan, as set out by the local authority.

The Member withdrew their motion.

The Committee considered the submissions made at the meeting, and


That it be noted that the Committee agreed to:

GRANT planning permission for the retrospective planning application for the change of use of Lewisham Way Youth And Community Centre, 138 Lewisham Way SE14 (Use Class F2(b) into a recording studio (Use Class E) with ancillary office space and shared community workspace (Use Class E), together with the alterations to the existing shop front, the construction of a wooden pergola, landscaping works, installation of replacement windows, the creation of cycle parking, waste and recycling facilities and the creation of a community garden.

Subject to conditions and informatives outlined in the report.

Supporting documents: