Council meetings

Agenda item

Matters Raised by Scrutiny and other Constitutional Bodies


Having considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Environment and Transport, Councillor Patrick Codd, the Mayor

and Cabinet agreed that:


(1) the officer response be approved and reported to the Sustainable

Development Select Committee;


(2) the results and feedback from the public consultation be received;


(3) a requirement for motorcycles to hold a valid permit or parking session to

park in any permit holder, shared use, or short-stay parking bays, subject to

statutory consultation via the TMO process be approved;


(3) a new proposed pricing structure for motorcycle parking charges, subject

to statutory consultation via the TMO process be approved;


(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration

and Public Realm to consider the outcome of the TMO statutory consultation

process and whether to approve the implementation of the new scheme.


Councillor Codd presented the report which as well as responding to a referral

from the Sustainable Development Committee, contained some further

recommendations which would be liable for further consideration at the

Overview & Scrutiny Business Panel.


Having considered an open officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Environment and Transport, Councillor Patrick Codd, the Mayor

and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report and by a vote of 7-0:




(1) the officer response be approved and reported to the Sustainable

Development Select Committee;


(2) the results and feedback from the public consultation be received;


(3) a requirement for motorcycles to hold a valid permit or parking session to

park in any permit holder, shared use, or short-stay parking bays, subject to

statutory consultation via the TMO process be approved;


(3) a new proposed pricing structure for motorcycle parking charges, subject

to statutory consultation via the TMO process be approved;


(4) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration

and Public Realm to consider the outcome of the TMO statutory consultation

process and whether to approve the implementation of the new scheme.

Supporting documents: