Council meetings

Agenda item

34 Sydenham Hill, London, SE26 6LS - DC/20/118980




That it be noted that the Committee agreed to:


GRANT planning permission for the alteration, conversion and change of use of Cedars at 34 Sydenham Hill SE26 and the construction of a part single/part two storey extension at the rear, terraces at lower ground level and the provision of associated car parking spaces and bicycle storage to provide:


·         11 self-contained flats, together with the demolition of the existing Coach House and the construction of 8 two bedroom cottages and associated landscaping and parking area.


Subject to conditions and informatives outlined in the report and,


A requirement that officers should:


·         Add an informative requiring the developer to engage with the local authority’s highway officer, with regard to highway safety.

·         Add wording to the refuse condition to ensure additional capacity is added to the bin store.


The Planning Officer gave an illustrative presentation, recommending the grant of planning permission for the proposal, as outlined in the Officer’s report.

The Committee noted the report and that the main issues were:


Principle of Development o Housing o Urban Design and Heritage Impacts o Impact on Adjoining Properties o Transport o Sustainable Development o Natural Environment.

Following the Officers presentation, Members questions related to the coach house.

The Officer confirmed the details of the coach house would be recorded for historical purposes, before it was demolished. The Committee were assured the local authority’s conservation officer recommended and supported this action. The Officer also confirmed the features of the development that would be retained and treated sensitively, as outlined in the Officer’s report, such as the staircase and lightwells. This would ensure the development retained its character.

The applicant addressed the Committee and described the application site. The applicant discussed: consultation, conservation, trees and the public benefit of the development against the loss of the coach house.

Questions were put to the applicant by the Committee members related to: the coach house.

The applicant advised Members the coach house was in a poor state of repair. In addition, its layout did not provide suitable family living. The applicant also advised the Committee of the viability of the development, stating the value of the development with the conversion had increased. Members were told the development with the coach house would not be viable.

A representative with objections addressed the Committee. The representative discussed: Scale, heritage of existing development, design, the impact on the local area, ecological concerns, accommodation and infrastructure. The representative requested conditions, to mitigate concerns raised and residents to be included in consultation.

No questions were put to the representative by the Committee.

The following member’s questions put to the Officer related to: design review panels, the difference between major and minor considerations, site and heritage, accommodation, conservation,

The Officer advised Members that design review panels were helpful, but did not replace professional judgement.

The Officer provided clarification to Members with regard to the difference between major and minor considerations. The Officer advised the Committee that many of the concerns raised were already conditioned with the applicant, such as materials to be used. It was confirmed that officers were satisfied with the conditions placed upon the applicant.

The Officer advised the local authority’s conservation officer had assessed the development closely over the past few years. The conservation officer supported the proposal for the demolition of the coach houses.

During the Members discussion, concerns were raised with regard to parking, highway safety and bin storage.

The Officer advised that the development was not in a CPZ and permits could not be introduced.

The Officer advised that an informative could be added to request the developer consulted with the local authority’s highways officer on the matter of highway safety.

The Committee considered the submissions made at the meeting, and


That it be noted that the Committee agreed to:

GRANT planning permission for the alteration, conversion and change of use of Cedars at 34 Sydenham Hill SE26 and the construction of a part single/part two storey extension at the rear, terraces at lower ground level and the provision of associated car parking spaces and bicycle storage to provide:

11 self-contained flats, together with the demolition of the existing Coach House and the construction of 8 two bedroom cottages and associated landscaping and parking area.

Subject to conditions and informatives outlined in the report and,

A requirement that officers should:

Add an informative requiring the developer to engage with the local authority’s highway officer, with regard to highway safety.

Add wording to the refuse condition to ensure additional capacity is added to the bin store.


Supporting documents: