Council meetings

Agenda item

39-43 EDDYSTONE ROAD SE4 - DC/20/119755




That it be noted that the Committee agreed that:


Application would be DEFERRED, to allow additional ecological survey work to be undertaken and the Asset of Community Value position to be reviewed.  



The Planning Officer, gave an illustrative presentation recommending the grant of planning permission for the proposal, as outlined in the Officer’s report.

The Committee noted the report and that the main issues were:


Principle of Development • Housing • Urban Design • Impact on Adjoining Properties • Transport • Sustainable Development •

Natural Environment

The following members’ question related to: Condition 11 in Officers report and community space.

The Officer provided clarification with regard to Condition 11, as outlined in the Officers report. The officers felt the site would benefit from the redevelopment, as the existing building was in a poor state of repair internally and externally and the new floor space was judged to be a higher quality provision. Members were assured the provision of a new, usable community space was also a planning merit, and officers gave very significant weight to that benefit.

The Officer and DMTL confirmed the existing community space had no statutory protection or designation as an Asset of Community Value (ACV)

The applicant addressed the Committee, describing the proposal. The applicant discussed: future plans, design, local consultation, objections and community users.

No questions were put to the applicant, by Members.

A representative, with objections addressed the Committee with objections to the proposal. The representative discussed: ecological, geological and historical concerns, local community consultation and nomination for the application site to be listed as an Asset of Community Value. The objected stated that an ACV application has been made but no response had been received from the local authority. The representative proposed that the application should be refused or at least postponed for this reason.

Standing Orders were suspended at 9.25 pm.

Members’ questions related to: ecological concerns, Assets of Community Value (ACV),

Members were advised by the Officer that forthcoming legislation that may impact the boundaries to the ancient woodland had not yet been enacted and therefore could not be viewed as a material consideration. The DMTL supported the Officer’s advice, also advising the development should still be considered under the current policy context, as outlined in the Officer report. The Officer advised Members the local authority’s pending response, to the application site for AVC status, was not a material consideration under the current application to be considered.

During the Members discussion, several Members agreed there should be a formal response from the local authority, regarding the AVC nomination submitted, with regard to the current application site. Following legal advice provided, Members noted they understood the ACV was not a material consideration under the current application, but felt the local authority should provide a response, since a local residents alleged a response was still outstanding 8 months following the ACV submission.

Members also noted from study of paragraphs 178 – 182 of the Officers’ report, several ecological surveys remained incomplete. A Member emphasised that further surveys would need to be conducted, before the application was approved. The Officer stated a condition could be implemented to ensure the surveys were conducted and assessed by the local authority before construction began on the development.

The Chair decided legal advice should be sought, regarding the concerns raised by the Members. The Chair advised that the meeting would go into closed session, to receive the legal advice.

The meeting was adjourned at 9.43pm. The meeting reconvened at 9.50pm. It was


That it be noted that the Committee agreed that:

Application would be DEFERRED, to allow additional ecological survey work to be undertaken and the Asset of Community Value position to be reviewed.

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