Council meetings

Agenda item

Scoping report


That the scoping report, including the key lines of enquiry and the timeline for the completion of the group’s work be agreed.


3.1.  Cllr Krupski, Chair, introduced the item by providing an outline of the original proposal for a task and finish group (TFG) on Housing retrofit.

·         The intention of the proposal was to ensure our social housing stock is as carbon efficient as possible and protect our most vulnerable residents.

·         The group would look at ways we can help the private sector to retrofit, and help lower emission borough wide.

·         It would also be important to consider how we can strengthen our local plan.

·         If we have time -look at how we could skill our local labour force to provide the expertise needed for retrofit and create a Green New Deal in Lewisham.


3.2.  The group went on to discuss the scoping paper and potential areas to explore. The following key points were noted:

·         The TFG noted that the work of the TFG is timely and important as housing produces 50% of the boroughs emissions and is a key area for accelerated work.

·         It is noted that the proposal draws heavily on the council’s climate emergency action plan, as a result of the climate emergency declaration in 2019 and adapted in 2020.

·         It was noted how work is timely and important in relation to the escalating major climate change being felt by all.

·         The TFG noted that decisions made today will have an impact up to and beyond the 2030 deadline that Lewisham council set itself for achieving a net zero emission target.

·         The TFG noted that the areas of focus have been split into two broad areas of scope - one being social housing and the second covering private housing.

·         It is noted that the report emphasises the scale of the challenge facing Lewisham and other councils and public sector organisations as well as society as a whole.

·         Lewisham Homes will be a key stakeholder to engage with for relevant information and data, including behavioural change work.

·         The TFG noted a barrier for change will be the rising cost of living and it would be important to promote the possible financial savings of retrofit as well as the benefits for the climate.

·         It was suggested to include officers from planning in the evidence gathering for the review.

·         The TFG suggested introducing a clause to extensions that, a new energy efficient boiler has to be in the property, prior to the grant of permission for renovations.

·         The TFG noted a barrier to retrofit is that the companies carrying out the work receive no savings and it was suggested we consider options for a system of savings for residents and also companies tasked with installation.

·         The TFG noted the importance of residents, public and private, being made aware of any funding and grants available.

·         The TFG requested more data on the current funding available for retrofit in Lewisham and where is it going to be spent

·         The TFG noted that we could draw on and tie in with the work being carried out by the Greater London Authority.

·         The TFG also suggested looking into Eco3 funding and the delivery within local authority, the private sector and any data available.

·         The TFG suggesting partnering up with more energy companies, who could provide more awareness for residents and tenants

·         The TFG suggested requesting new property developers to be carbon neutral plus.

·         The TFG suggested including resident focus group in the engagement plan.

·         The TFG suggested drawing on data held on how many Lewisham properties are EFG rating.


3.3.  Resolved: that the scoping report, including the key lines of enquiry and the timeline for the completion of the group’s work be agreed.


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