RESOLVED That it be noted that the Committee agreed to:
GRANT planning permission for the change of use of 70 Deptford High Street SE8 to an amusement centre - adult gaming (sui generis)
Subject to conditions and informatives outlined in the report. |
The Planning Officer gave an illustrative presentation recommending the grant of planning permission for the change of use of 70 Deptford High Street SE8 to an amusement centre - adult gaming (sui generis)
The Committee noted the report and that the main issues were:
· Principle of Development
· Urban Design & Heritage
· Transport
· Impact on Adjoining Properties
Member’s questions following the officer’s presentation related to the definition of concentration of betting shops on Deptford high street.
The Officer advised the Committee that in regard to the proposed use, there were no policies specifically preventing changes of use to adult gaming centres. However, the London Plan (March 2021) identified the harm that could arise from an overconcentration of certain uses and highlighted gambling uses, such as betting shops and amusement centres within those potentially harmful uses. The Development Management Local Plan identified the detrimental impacts that could arise from an overconcentration of these types of uses. The Officer advised the Committee that the proposed change of use would not result in the loss of a retail unit. Nor would it increase the concentration of gambling uses within the high street.
The applicant did not attend the meeting.
The Deptford Society addressed the Committee. The Society advised Members of their objections to the proposal due to lack of community benefit. The Society noted the petition raised by local businesses and residents against the premises proposed change of use. The Society stated the principle of development was to sustain and enhance the quality of community life. It was felt this proposal would not do so. It was noted that during the pandemic, vibrancy on the Deptford High Street had been lacking and this development would not do anything to add to increased vibrancy. The Society advised Members that local councillors and residents were against the proposed change of use. It was felt that despite the possible threat of an appeal by the applicant, the local authority should refuse the application. Emphasis was placed on the deprivation of the area and the difficult times currently faced by many of the residents during the pandemic and even before.
There were no questions for the Deptford Society from Members.
New Cross Ward Councillor Brenda Dacres addressed the Committee, under Standing Orders. Councillor Brenda Dacres was against the application. The Councillor advised that the proposal in a high deprivation area, would have a ‘detrimental’, ‘accumulative’ and ‘negative’ effect on the local community. It was also noted that primary and secondary schools were in close vicinity to the premises. The Councillor expressed concern over the message this proposal would send to young, vulnerable children seeing gambling activity in such establishments. Members were advised that near the premises, there were also organisations that offered support to the homeless and those affected by drug addiction. In addition, there was also a pawn shop close to the proposal. The Committee were informed the proposal would have an impact on the level of drinking and drug abuse affecting the area. This was a problem the local traders and residents were trying to stand up against. The Councillor also expressed concerns regarding the negative effects on families affected by gambling. The Councillor concluded by stating the local community were tired of being ‘run over’ by establishments, seeking to prey on people in the community.
During the discussion that followed, the Chair noted that the local authorities Licensing, had already granted permission for the premises use. The concern regarding the premises change of use was put to the DMTL.
The DMTL acknowledged the objections on a moral basis, but advised they did not carry weight in planning considerations. The DMTL also confirmed that whilst the premises currently appears vacant, its lawful planning use is as a gambling outlet and could be brought back into operation at any time. Therefore, technically there would be no net increase in gambling outlets in the area. The Committee were informed there was no ‘specific quantum’ of what denoted over concentration. It was confirmed that there was currently no new policy in place that altered the existing approach. There was also no set number or cap on the number of gambling establishments allowed on the high street. The DMTL also advised Members that it would be hard for the local authority to argue that the four gambling outlets currently on the high street constituted an over concentration.
A Member raised concerns regarding the ‘evening economy’ envisaged for Lewisham. It was felt the evening economy was not being promoted to encourage diversity of the town centre. Another Member also raised concerns that the proposal did not ‘enhance the environment’ or ‘human life’. It was noted by the Member that the applicant had not attended the meeting to address Committee with regard to their application.
The DMTL advised Members to be minded that these concerns did not form part of planning considerations. It was likely that the Planning Inspectorate would consider that gambling was a form of entertainment and that not all individuals experienced negative problems from participating.
The legal representative confirmed the DMTLs advice, noting that if the application was refused and went to an appeal, it would not be sustainable and would most likely incur costs to the local authority.
The Chair reminded Members there were no legal framework to reject the proposal.
Earlier in the meeting at 9.21 pm, one of the Members lost their internet connection to the meeting. The Chair briefly adjourned the meeting so the issue could be resolved. The Member was able to reconnect to the meeting at 9.31pm. The Chair advised the Member that they were welcome to participate in the discussion on Item 5, but they would not be able to participate in the voting that would follow.
Members voted on the recommendation in the report with a result of 4 in favour of the proposal and 1 against. It was
That it be noted that the Committee agreed to:
GRANT planning permission for the change of use of 70 Deptford High Street SE8 to an amusement centre - adult gaming (sui generis)
Subject to conditions and informatives outlined in the report.
The meeting closed at 10.14 pm.
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