RESOLVED That it be noted that the Committee agreed to:
GRANT planning permission for the demolition of existing double garage and construction of a two storey two bedroom house to the side and rear of No 10 Thorpewood Avenue SE26 at lower ground and ground floor levels and adjustment to the existing dormer.
Subject to conditions and informatives outlined in the report and, A requirement that officers should:
The Planning Officer gave an illustrative presentation recommending the grant of planning permission for the demolition of existing double garage and construction of a two storey two bedroom house to the side and rear of No 10 Thorpewood Avenue SE26 at lower ground and ground floor levels and adjustment to the existing dormer.
The Committee noted the report and that the main issues were:
· Principle of Development
· Housing
· Urban Design
· Impact on Adjoining Properties
· Transport
· Natural Environment
Following the Officer presentation, Members put questions to the Officer regarding refuse, garage access and the dormer.
The Officer advised the Committee that a condition relating to refuse storage could be implemented, so that it was specific to 10 Thorpewood Avenue.
The Committee were given further clarification by the Officer with regard to garage access as outlined in the officer report via reference to their Officer’s presentation slides.
The Officer confirmed to Members that the reduction and refinement of the dormer, could be assured via condition on the applicant.
The agent addressed the Committee. The agent advised Members they had lived in the neighbourhood for 35 years. They advised the Committee that the proposed development would provide needed ‘high quality’, ‘elegant’, ‘low profile’ housing. The neighbouring properties were described in a very positive manner by the agent. They stated the new house built would ‘complement’ the existing neighbouring homes, as well as the courtyards. The agent informed the Committee that there had been consultation with neighbours and raised issues had been addressed. The agent then went on to describe the landscape, environment and materials that related to the proposed house. It was advised the timber to be used, blended with the surrounding woodland. The applicant advised Members there was support from local residents for the proposal.
A resident joined the applicants address to reiterate the applicant’s sentiments and inform the Committee there were no issues with overlooking or transport links. The resident concluded the address by assuring Members the proposal would make a ’positive contribution’ to the neighbourhood.
Members asked the applicant questions relating to the new application in contrast to the previous application and overlooking.
The applicant advised the previous proposal had been much larger. However the new proposal had a reduced footprint and height.
It was also advised that the two storey elevation of the previous proposal was now ground level.
The Committee were advised that the overlooking issue had been resolved due to the reductions. In addition, the proposal was set back from the boundary and screened with a solid screen. The overlooking would therefore be the same as overlooking on a garden, in a normal suburban setting. The applicant concluded that neighbours agreed privacy had been maintained.
The Sydenham Society addressed the Committee on behalf of local residents. They advised Members of resident’s objections to the proposal due to Thorpewood Avenue being a school street and access to the site via Hassocks Close. The Society also felt the intention to have access to the garages at the rear of the property was unclear. The Sydenham Society advised the Committee these concerns should be addressed, with implemented mitigation measures via the construction management plan.
Members questions that followed, related to safeguards that could be enforced by the local authority, with regard to Thorpewood Avenue noted as a school street and the construction access via Hassocks Close.
The applicant referred to a map they provided to the local authority. The map was used to clarify that the applicant was aware of and mindful that Thorpewood Avenue was a school street.
The applicant also assured the Committee that Hassocks Close would not be used for construction purposes.
The DMTL confirmed no access for construction purposes via Hassocks Close would be conditioned explicitly into the construction management plan. The Chair requested an informative be added to draw attention to the School Street scheme.
There were no questions for the Officers from Members.
During discussion a Member noted the applicant and representative with objections both seemed to agree, rather than disagree, on the mitigation measures to be implemented.
The Committee considered the submissions made at the meeting, and
RESOLVED – unanimously
That it be noted that the Committee agreed to:
GRANT planning permission for the demolition of existing double garage and construction of a two storey two bedroom house to the side and rear of No 10 Thorpewood Avenue SE26 at lower ground and ground floor levels and adjustment to the existing dormer.
Subject to conditions and informatives outlined in the report and,
A requirement that officers should:
· Add a condition requiring completion of the works to reduce the existing dormer prior to occupation of the new dwelling.
· Add wording to the refuse condition to ensure the refuse details include both the existing and approved dwelling.
· Add wording to the CMP condition stipulating that access to the development for construction purposes, must be restricted to Thorpewood Avenue and no access should to be allowed via Hassocks Close.
· Add an informative to draw the Applicant’s attention to the recent School Street initiative in the local area when preparing the CMP
Supporting documents: