Council meetings

Agenda item

Boroughwide Private Sector Housing Licensing


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that:

the following recommendations be approved in respect to the proposed

Additional Licensing Scheme and the proposed Selective Licensing Scheme.


Additional Licensing Scheme

(1) the consultation undertaken on the proposed Additional Licensing

Scheme, the responses received, and the officer comments, as outlined be



(2) the proposed Additional Licensing Scheme Fee for HMOs fees that will be

presented to the Supplementary Licensing Committee for approval before the

scheme can commence, as outlined, be noted;


(3) the proposed new licensing conditions for properties in the Private Rental

Sector, as outlined, be noted;


(4) the designation of an additional licensing scheme for all Houses in Multiple

Occupation in the Council's area, as outlined, be approved; and


(5) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Environment

and Regeneration to implement the new additional Licensing Scheme for

Houses in Multiple Occupation, and publish the 3-month Statutory Notice for

the scheme as part of the implementation;


Selective Licensing Scheme


(1) the consultation undertaken on the proposed Selective Licensing Scheme,

the responses received, and the officer comments, as outlined, be noted;


(2) the proposed Selective Licensing Scheme Fee that will be put to

Supplementary Licensing Committee for approval before the scheme can

commence, as part of the application to the Secretary of State for Housing,

Communities and Local Government, as outlined, be noted;


(3) the proposed new licensing conditions for properties in the Private Rental

Sector, as outlined, be approved;


(4) the submission of an application to the Secretary of State for Housing,

Communities and Local Government for a Selective Licensing Scheme to

apply to all privately rented single occupancy dwellings in the Borough of

Lewisham, as outlined, be approved;


(5) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Environment

and Regeneration:-to finalise the application for a Selective Licensing scheme

and submit to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local

Government; and to implement the Selective Licensing Scheme and publish

the 3-month Statutory Notice for the scheme as part of the implementation,

pending necessary approvals from the Secretary of State for Housing,

Communities and Local Government.



In answer to a question from Councillor Dromey, the Private Sector Housing

Manager confirmed up to 12 apprentices could be hired if government

approval for the licensing scheme was secured.


Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet

Member for Housing, Councillor Paul Bell, the Mayor and Cabinet for the

reasons set out in the report by a vote of 10-0:


RESOLVED that the following recommendations be approved in respect to

the proposed Additional Licensing Scheme and the proposed Selective

Licensing Scheme.


Additional Licensing Scheme

(1) the consultation undertaken on the proposed Additional Licensing

Scheme, the responses received, and the officer comments, as outlined be



(2) the proposed Additional Licensing Scheme Fee for HMOs fees that will be

presented to the Supplementary Licensing Committee for approval before the

scheme can commence, as outlined, be noted;


(3) the proposed new licensing conditions for properties in the Private Rental

Sector, as outlined, be noted;


(4) the designation of an additional licensing scheme for all Houses in Multiple

Occupation in the Council's area, as outlined, be approved; and


(5) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Environment

and Regeneration to implement the new additional Licensing Scheme for

Houses in Multiple Occupation, and publish the 3-month Statutory Notice for

the scheme as part of the implementation;


Selective Licensing Scheme


(1) the consultation undertaken on the proposed Selective Licensing Scheme,

the responses received, and the officer comments, as outlined, be noted;


(2) the proposed Selective Licensing Scheme Fee that will be put to

Supplementary Licensing Committee for approval before the scheme can

commence, as part of the application to the Secretary of State for Housing,

Communities and Local Government, as outlined, be noted;


(3) the proposed new licensing conditions for properties in the Private Rental

Sector, as outlined, be approved;


(4) the submission of an application to the Secretary of State for Housing,

Communities and Local Government for a Selective Licensing Scheme to

apply to all privately rented single occupancy dwellings in the Borough of

Lewisham, as outlined, be approved;


(5) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Environment

and Regeneration:-to finalise the application for a Selective Licensing scheme

and submit to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local

Government; and to implement the Selective Licensing Scheme and publish

the 3-month Statutory Notice for the scheme as part of the implementation,

pending necessary approvals from the Secretary of State for Housing,

Communities and Local Government.


Supporting documents: