Council meetings

Agenda item

11 Havelock Walk


11 Havelock Walk, SE23 3HG




That full planning permission be GRANTED for the demolition of existing building, construction of 3 storey building containing 4 commercial studio spaces (Use Class B1) on the ground floor and 4 residential units (Use Class C3) above, a roof

terrace at top floor level and associated bin and cycle storage at 11 Havelock Walk, SE23.


Subject to Conditions and Informatives outlined in the report, and additional conditions outlined in the Addendum follows:


·         Condition 10 – Stairwell Privacy Screening and

·         Condition 11 – Obscure Glazing – Flat 1



The DMTL gave an illustrative presentation recommending the grant of full planning permission for the demolition of existing building, construction of 3 storey building containing 4 commercial studio spaces (Use Class B1) on the ground floor and 4 residential units (Use Class C3) above, a roof terrace at top floor level and associated bin and cycle storage at 11 Havelock Walk, SE23.

The committee noted the report and that the main planning considerations in relation to the application were:


·       Principle of Development

·       Housing

·       Mix use employment

·       Urban Design

·       Impact on Adjoining Properties

·       Transport

·       Sustainable Development


Following members’ enquiries, the Officer provided clarification regarding the Controlled Parking Zone, confirming the development would be a car free zone. The Officer also advised that there was no policy requirement to provide live/work units in the Local Plan or the London Plan in this location. There was evidence that a number of live/work units had recently been converted into purely residential dwellings. The current proposal was not for live/work units, officers were satisfied that the negligible loss of employment space to facilitate access would be acceptable in principle. The commercial part of the development would be on the ground floor and be divided into four areas, with four separate residential units above. The residential element of the proposal would provide four, 1 bedroom 2 person units.

The Officer clarified that the roof terrace would be used by 4 separate residences, noting the use of roof areas for additional amenity or garden space was encouraged. Private open space is highly valued and should be provided in all new housing developments. Where site constraints make it impossible to provide open space for all dwellings, a proportion of dwellings may instead be provided with additional internal living space equivalent to the area of the private open space requirement.

The agent, Ms Patricia Hickey and the applicant, Ms Vanessa Vanier also addressed the Committee, describing the building process, and the extensive application consultation undertaken with the council. The agent concluded that the applicant had taken all required steps to address objections raised to the site application.

A resident, Mr Simon Dickens addressed the Committee advising he represented the views of the immediate neighbours to the application site. The resident presented objections relating to: amenity, overlooking and privacy, sunlight and daylight, scale and mass, the roof terrace, increase in car parking requirements and materials used. The resident also queried whether enough time had been available between the receipt and review of objections by the Committee. The DMTL advised that feedback to the objections was provided in the Addendum to the report.

The Committee considered the submissions made at the meeting, and


Resolved ---


That full planning permission be GRANTED for the demolition of existing building, construction of 3 storey building containing 4 commercial studio spaces (Use Class B1) on the ground floor and 4 residential units (Use Class C3) above, a roof terrace at top floor level and associated bin and cycle storage at 11 Havelock Walk, SE23.


Subject to Conditions and Informatives outlined in the report, and additional conditions outlined in the Addendum follows:


·       Condition 10 --- Stairwell Privacy Screening and

·       Condition 11 --- Obscure Glazing --- Flat 1


Supporting documents: