Council meetings

Agenda item

9 Thakham Close


9 Thakeham Close, SE26 6HN  




That full planning permission be GRANTED for the construction of a three storey, three bedroom single family dwelling house to the side of 9 Thakeham Close, SE26, together with the provision of bicycle and refuse storage associated landscaping works.


Subject to Conditions and Informatives outlined in the report, and additional condition requiring the erection of bin storage for adjoining occupiers.




The Planning Officer gave an illustrative presentation recommending the grant of full planning permission for the construction of a three storey, three bedroom single family dwelling house to the side of 9 Thakeham Close, SE26, together with the provision of bicycle and refuse storage associated landscaping,subject to the conditions and informatives outlined in the report.

The committee noted the report and that the main planning considerations in relation to the application were:


·         Principle of Development

·         Housing and Standard of Accommodation

·         Design

·         Transport

·         Impact on Adjoining Properties

·         Sustainable Development


In response to a member enquiry, the Officer confirmed that a condition would be added for the provision of a refuse store for No. 9

Thakeham Close. He also advised that a condition existed for a ground investigation to be carried out in relation to subsidence concerns. The Officer advised the Committee that a condition would be put in place to ensure that appropriate materials would be used during the construction of the site that would not result in an incongruous appearance.

In response to questions raised regarding the impact of sunlight and daylight to the property, the DMTL stated that the main impact would be the blocking up of the existing side elevation windows to No.9 (ground) and No.8 (first & second floor). The DMTL advised the Committee that the side elevation windows that would be affected were all secondary windows to the rooms they served, therefore the affected rooms would all still receive adequate and policy compliant levels of outlook and natural light.

The applicant, Mr David Lawton addressed the committee stating that the proposed dwelling would integrate with the surroundings, while retaining an appropriate level of subservience necessary to distinguish the proposal from the rest of the terrace. The loss of openness was balanced against the high quality design and standard of accommodation proposed. The applicant acknowledged the objections made on the grounds of parking and confirmed that the developer had demonstrated through parking surveys that there was parking capacity. The applicant advised there would be cycle storage provision. Following enquiries relating to subsidence, the applicant stated building controls would monitor this. The applicant also advised their architect had conducted a desktop daylight modelling survey which showed there would be no adverse effects to neighbouring properties.

A resident, Mr Dominic Canty also addressed the Committee, advising that he was representing the residents of Thakeham Close. Residents were opposed to the proposal because of the following concerns:


·         Interruption to the uniform appearance and symmetry of design. Glazing of a different design to existing.

·         Pressure on parking already exists due to school. Congestion particularly acute at weekends.

·         Appearance of application site is out of keeping with existing buildings.

·         Subsidence.


The resident requested legal assurance that compensation would be provided if neighbouring properties suffered subsidence in the future due to this development.

The Committee considered the submissions made at the meeting, and


Resolved ---


That full planning permission be GRANTED for the construction of a three storey, three bedroom single family dwelling house to the side of 9 Thakeham Close, SE26, together with the provision of bicycle and refuse storage associated landscaping works.

Subject to Conditions and Informatives outlined in the report, and additional condition requiring the erection of bin storage for adjoining occupiers.

Supporting documents: