Resolved: that the Committee would refer its on cycling (agenda item four) to Mayor and Cabinet, as follows –
· The Committee recommends that officers should investigate the potential use of the Commonplace platform to identify locations for the installation of cycle hangars.
· That options should be explored for the development of a borough-wide campaign supporting the A21 cycling corridor.
· That options should be considered for the commissioning of feasibility work in and around Deptford for improvements to the cycling and pedestrian environment (to link with the completion of works for the Thames Tideway Tunnel).
· That work should be expedited in Catford Town Centre for the protection of cyclists – and in particular across and under the two railway bridges. The Committee believes that this work should progress in advance of other work to develop the town centre.
· That officers responsible for cycling and those working on neighbourhood community infrastructure levy spending should work together to determine whether there are options for using NCIL on the installation of cycle hangars in areas of recognised demand but insufficient identified funding.
· The Committee also supports further work to ensure that spaces in cycle hangars are prioritised for people without space to store bikes at home.
· The Committee recommends that further options should be explored for enabling the safe use of cycle routes at night. It believes that this should include consideration of options for reflective ‘cats eyes’ in dimly lit areas. The Committee also believes that the routine for closing park gates at night should be reviewed to enable cyclists access through principal routes until as late in the evenings as is feasible.
· The Committee is concerned about the imbalance of cycling schemes for the north and the south of the borough. It recommends that further consideration should be given to the equal distribution of schemes across the borough.
· The Committee believes that the Council should be at the forefront of the London approach to the management of dockless bikes – it recommends that officers should investigate options for the management of dockless bikes that would work best for Lewisham.
It was also resolved that the Committee would refer its views on the parking policy update to Mayor and Cabinet, as follows:
· The Committee commends the report and recognises the work that officers have put into designing and managing the consultation.
· The Committee recommends that parking charges should be reviewed annually in light of the data being collected by the new parking machines. It believes that specific consideration should be given to the ongoing impact of the climate crisis as well as: the impact of the implementation of fifteen minute parking slots; and the health of businesses on high streets.
· That consideration should be given to the management of parking (and enforcement) in the vicinity of Lewisham Hospital – and that additional consideration should be given to management and enforcement of parking around other institutions in the borough that attract large numbers of users.
· That the changes to the enforcement of disabled parking bays should be communicated to residents. The Committee would also welcome further details about the process for the review of mandatory disabled parking bays – particularly in instances in which users no longer require them.
· The Committee recommends that further consideration should be given in future reports to the potential equalities impact of any proposed changes to parking policy.
7.1 The Committee discussed the referrals for items four and five.
7.2 Resolved: that the Committee would refer its on cycling (agenda item four) to Mayor and Cabinet, as follows –
· The Committee recommends that officers should investigate the potential use of the Commonplace platform to identify locations for the installation of cycle hangars.
· That options should be explored for the development of a borough-wide campaign supporting the A21 cycling corridor.
· That options should be considered for the commissioning of feasibility work in and around Deptford for improvements to the cycling and pedestrian environment (to link with the completion of works for the Thames Tideway Tunnel).
· That work should be expedited in Catford Town Centre for the protection of cyclists – and in particular across and under the two railway bridges. The Committee believes that this work should progress in advance of other work to develop the town centre.
· That officers responsible for cycling and those working on neighbourhood community infrastructure levy spending should work together to determine whether there are options for using NCIL on the installation of cycle hangars in areas of recognised demand but insufficient identified funding.
· The Committee also supports further work to ensure that spaces in cycle hangars are prioritised for people without space to store bikes at home.
· The Committee recommends that further options should be explored for enabling the safe use of cycle routes at night. It believes that this should include consideration of options for reflective ‘cats eyes’ in dimly lit areas. The Committee also believes that the routine for closing park gates at night should be reviewed to enable cyclists access through principal routes until as late in the evenings as is feasible.
· The Committee is concerned about the imbalance of cycling schemes for the north and the south of the borough. It recommends that further consideration should be given to the equal distribution of schemes across the borough.
· The Committee believes that the Council should be at the forefront of the London approach to the management of dockless bikes – it recommends that officers should investigate options for the management of dockless bikes that would work best for Lewisham.
7.3 It was also resolved that the Committee would refer its views on the parking policy update to Mayor and Cabinet, as follows:
· The Committee commends the report and recognises the work that officers have put into designing and managing the consultation.
· The Committee recommends that parking charges should be reviewed annually in light of the data being collected by the new parking machines. It believes that specific consideration should be given to the ongoing impact of the climate crisis as well as: the impact of the implementation of fifteen minute parking slots; and the health of businesses on high streets.
· That consideration should be given to the management of parking (and enforcement) in the vicinity of Lewisham Hospital – and that additional consideration should be given to management and enforcement of parking around other institutions in the borough that attract large numbers of users.
· That the changes to the enforcement of disabled parking bays should be communicated to residents. The Committee would also welcome further details about the process for the review of mandatory disabled parking bays – particularly in instances in which users no longer require them.
· The Committee recommends that further consideration should be given in future reports to the potential equalities impact of any proposed changes to parking policy.