Resolved: that the report be noted
David Syme introduced the report – the following key points were noted:
· The Council was in the advanced stages of developing the new local plan.
· Four member briefings had been held to update councillors on progress.
· At the first session (July 2018) – the challenges and opportunities arising from the new plan were presented; the second session set out the direction of travel for the new plan - as well as generally setting out the strategic objectives for the new plan; in the third session, strategic objectives were agreed and in the final session (July 2019) members were presented with the draft development management policies and draft site portfolio work.
· Officers were conscious that there was lots of information for members to take on board as well as lots of changes in comparison to the previous development management policies.
· Not as much feedback from councillors had been received as had been anticipated.
· A review of ‘metropolitan open land’ was currently taking place – this was not with the intention of building on metropolitan open land. It was a standard review, in line with the review of the local plan.
· The infrastructure delivery plan was also being reviewed. This would set out the parks, schools and transport infrastructure that needed to be delivered in order to facilitate the implementation of the local plan. Departments across the Council would be involved in the development of the plan.
· A viability study was also being carried out. Fifty sites across the borough would be ‘tested’ for their viability for development. In particular, it would review the viability of sites to support affordable housing.
· The plan was in an advanced stage. It was proposed that a draft of the plan would be presented to the committee in December 2019 – before approval for consultation by Mayor and Cabinet in the spring of 2020.
8.2 David Syme responded to questions from the Committee – the following key points were noted:
· It was a difficult time to prepare a local plan – given the level of uncertainty in a number of areas – and in particular the challenges to the assumptions in the London Plan.
· Inspectors proposed that the number of small sites for housing delivery being proposed in the local plan should be reduced by half – which in turn – reduced the overall amount of housing proposed in London by 20% (over the lifetime of the Plan).
· The Council had taken legal advice on the development of the local plan, which clearly stated that Lewisham could not pause preparation of the plan in light of the questions around the London Plan. However, this was complicated by the fact that the London Plan would be assessed for conformity with the old national planning policy framework and Lewisham’s local plan would be assessed against the new national planning policy framework.
· The figure for small sites in Lewisham per annum based on the original London Plan assessment was for the delivery of 800 homes a year on small sites. Based on the new figures this would be 350-400 homes a year (of the 2117 homes per year proposed for Lewisham in the London Plan).
8.3 Resolved: that the report be noted.
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