Resolved: that the report be noted. That a briefing on the Bakerloo line extension be shared with all members.
7.1 Claudette Forbes (Regeneration Advisor) introduced the report, the following key points were noted:
· The extension was ‘not a done deal’. Part of the work being carried out was to raise awareness of the scheme and ensure that local support for it was well demonstrated.
· TfL was carrying out detailed work on options for construction works sites, station locations Following this, further consultation was planned for the summer.
7.2 Claudette Forbes and David Syme responded to questions from the Committee, the following key points were noted:
· Officers had prepared an analysis of the benefits of the extension, which would be shared with the Committee.
· The extension was closely linked with the proposed upgrade of the Bakerloo line. The combination of both would bring maximum benefits.
· There were nine ‘opportunity areas’ (locations identified by the Mayor of London for housing and development) along the Bakerloo line, the growth objectives of which would be facilitated by an upgraded and extended line.
· The extension would enable the development of thousands of homes along the whole length of the line for a fraction of the cost of the proposals for Crossrail 2.
· Officers had been in contact with Councils in the north and west of London to emphasise the wider benefits of the extension and to gain support.
· Officers were considering all the options for lobbying and gaining support for the extension.
· There was provision for London Mayoral community infrastructure levy (CIL to be allocated towards other schemes. The delays on Crossrail 1 and the pressure on the Mayoral budget might be an opportunity for the Bakerloo Line Extension. The extension would provide significant benefits and make use of underutilised infrastructure for a fraction of the cost of Crossrail 2 – which was why lobbying and raising the profile of the Bakerloo line extension and its benefits to London as a whole was so important.
· Some work had been carried out on other options for funding the extension, including analysis of the increase in land values that would result from the improvements in infrastructure.
· The Council was preparing a New Cross Area Framework, which included a detailed investigation into the Hatchem Works (location of Sainsbury’s) and Goodwood Road sites as potential station locations. TfL had indicated that the Sainsbury’s in New Cross would be able to remain open during the construction of the proposed new station in the area.
· There was increasing commitment from Network Rail to work with TfL to ensure that there was a consistent and collaborative approach to improving Lewisham station and its surroundings.
· Officers were working together to ensure the safeguarding of land to enable the extension.
7.3 In the Committee’s discussions the following key points were also noted:
· The Committee strongly welcomed the report and commended the approach being taken.
· Members welcomed the energy and enthusiasm for the scheme demonstrated by officers.
· The Committee wholeheartedly endorsed proposals to continue the extension beyond Lewisham onwards (including the options for the extension to Hayes).
· The extension would maximise the benefits of the Catford regeneration.
· Almost everyone was positive about the extension, apart from the London Borough of Bromley, which had been historically opposed.
· Members highlighted the different options available for lobbying- (including engaging with politicians, civic groups and voters in the London Borough of Bromley).
· Officers should engage with other statutory and public bodies (including higher education institutions) to encourage support the scheme.
7.4 Resolved: that the report be noted. That a briefing on the Bakerloo line extension be shared with all members.
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