Officers will present an update at the meeting.
Resolved: that the Committee formally record the following comments for the programme team-
· The Committee notes previous research and information from government, which shows that high density housing does not need to be high rise. Officers should revisit this work.
· The Committee would welcome the development and presentation of options for the regeneration which include plans with and without the Bakerloo line extension. It believes that this work is essential to ‘future proof’ proposals for the town centre.
· The Committee believes that the proposals for the redevelopment should include the best, most beautiful and highest quality of design.
· The Committee will continue to closely scrutinise the development of the programme.
· The Committee asks that plans for the redevelopment give due consideration to other development proposals in the borough, including (but not limited to) the plans for the A21 cycle route as well as other key transport links and the redevelopment of Lewisham town centre. It is concerned that there will be areas in between developments that do not receive sufficient attention.
· The Committee would welcome the development of a civic strategy for the borough, which sets out the form and function of the Council in the town centre, as well as other civic organisations in the community sector and education.
· The Committee recommends that consideration be given to the timing and implementation of other strategies and plans, including those belonging to the Council as well as other public sector partners (such as TfL).
· The Committee notes the importance of economic development in the local area. It believes that the redevelopment should retain and enhance local businesses and employment in order to ensure that local spending benefits the local area.
The agenda was changed to consider this item first.
5.1 Tony Piggott (Development Advisor) provided a verbal update on the masterplanning process for Catford. The following key points were noted:
· A workshop for all Councillors would be held on 13 February.
· The workshop would be divided into two parts, the first would set out the context and the architects, engineers and urban designers would present the emerging framework for the Catford masterplan. In the second part there would be a discussion.
· The Catford programme team intended that the workshop would be the first of a number of opportunities for the engagement of councillors in the development of the Catford masterplan.
· The programme team and other relevant Council officers were working with Transport for London (TfL) to progress the plans for the realignment of the A205.
· Proposals for the realignment would be presented at the workshop on 13 February.
· Public consultation on the realignment was currently planned for October 2019.
5.2 Tony Piggott responded to questions from the Committee, the following key points were noted:
· The timetable for the programme had slipped. At the workshop on 13 February, officers would set out the amended timetable for the masterplan, as well as opportunities for ‘quick wins’.
· The programme team welcomed input from the Committee and from Councillors in general.
· There were a number of elements (including plans for housing and public space as well as the cultural offer and the civic strategy) that needed to be combined in order to make the development a success. There would be a number of future opportunities for members to be involved.
5.3 In Committee discussions, the following key points were also noted:
· The Committee welcomed opportunities for consultation with all councillors but the Committee would continue to scrutinise the development of the programme at every meeting.
· The Committee would welcome the presentation of different options for the regeneration at the workshop on 13 February. Members asked that this include options for different housing densities and tenures.
· Further information should be made available about the ‘red line’ demarcating the masterplanning area.
· Presentation of the ‘civic strategy’ for the regeneration would also be welcomed.
· At the workshop, information should be provided which indicated the anticipated scope and scale of the redevelopment.
5.4 Resolved: that the Committee formally record the following comments for the programme team-
· The Committee notes previous research and information from government, which shows that high density housing does not need to be high rise. Officers should revisit this work.
· The Committee would welcome the development and presentation of options for the regeneration which include plans with and without the Bakerloo line extension. It believes that this work is essential to ‘future proof’ proposals for the town centre.
· The Committee believes that the proposals for the redevelopment should include the best, most beautiful and highest quality of design.
· The Committee will continue to closely scrutinise the development of the programme.
· The Committee asks that plans for the redevelopment give due consideration to other development proposals in the borough, including (but not limited to) the plans for the A21 cycle route as well as other key transport links and the redevelopment of Lewisham town centre. It is concerned that there will be areas in between developments that do not receive sufficient attention.
· The Committee would welcome the development of a civic strategy for the borough, which sets out the form and function of the Council in the town centre, as well as other civic organisations in the community sector and education.
· The Committee recommends that consideration be given to the timing and implementation of other strategies and plans, including those belonging to the Council as well as other public sector partners (such as TfL).
· The Committee notes the importance of economic development in the local area. It believes that the redevelopment should retain and enhance local businesses and employment in order to ensure that local spending benefits the local area.