That the report be noted.
That Superintendent Andy Carter and Martin Corbett MIFireE be thanked for attending the meeting and for their presentations.
4.1 Martin Corbett, Borough Commander, Lewisham, London Fire Brigade, presented to the committee. During his presentation and in the discussion and challenge that followed, the following key points were highlighted:
· 2017/18 had been a challenging year for the London Fire Brigade in particular the Grenfell Fire Tragedy and the focus afterwards of ensuring the safety of high rise buildings.
· Pan-London there remained approximately 100 ACM cladding buildings with 3 in Lewisham all of which were managed by Lewisham Homes. Lewisham Homes was working very proactively on fire safety.
· The total number of fires in 2017/18 in Lewisham was down compared to previous years, however arson related incidents remained at the same levels as previous years and a continual concern. Work was being done with the Police on links with antisocial behaviour.
· There were concerns around automatic fire alarms and persons stuck in lifts which had increased since previous years. Many were related to Lewisham Hospital and it had been challenging to reduce numbers.
· Over 2000 home fire risk assessments had been carried out which was very positive as they were very important for reducing the risks of fires.
· The cadets scheme was very positive and a new facility for the cadets was being prepared in New Cross.
· Safeguarding vulnerable people was an important part of the service. Risks identified included an increase in cases of hoarding. The service would be working closely with partners to support vulnerable people.
· Other factors over the last year included: recent dry weather and faulty electrical goods. The campaign “Total Recalls: making white goods safer” aimed to make it easier for people to protect themselves.
· Post Grenfell a number of lessons had been learnt including: a review of breathing apparatus equipment; a review of the aerial fleet to introduce higher reach appliances; and tactical plans amended including increases in numbers of fleet attending any reports of fire in high-rise buildings.
· A database of social housing high-rise buildings will be extended to include privately owned buildings.
· A review of Approved Document B (building regulations guidance covering fire safety) was being undertaken following recommendations by Dame Judith Hackitt.
· The welfare of fire fighters continued to be a focus.
· The new statutory body of the London Fire Commissioner, Dany Cotton, was in place. This body reported directly to the London Deputy Mayor for Fire.
· In June 2018 there was a fire at Roma Court in Lewisham. It was supressed internally by sprinklers. The fire separation worked successfully. 60 people self-evacuated.
· There had been a tragic fire in Deptford in August where a 7-year old boy died. There was an on-going investigation into the causes.
4.2 Superintendent Andy Carter presented his report to the Committee. During his presentation and in the discussion and challenge that followed, the following key points were highlighted:
· A copy of Appendix B was handed round to members of the Committee and will be included with the agenda documentation.
· The South East Borough Command Unit was on track to go live on the 28 November 2018. There would be 1400 staff. The new structure represented a significant restructure and included the following 5 principal strands:
1. Neighbourhood – working closely with partners to be proactive in reducing crime.
2. CID – to be responsible for serious and complex crime with a victim focused approach.
3. Safeguarding – a partnership approach to include investigations into domestic abuse, child abuse and serious sexual assaults and working with a multi-agency Safeguarding Hub.
4. Response – This would include a West and East sector with instant response managers on the ground and overseen at Lewisham Police Station.
5. Head Quarters and Professionalism – this would include complaints, misconduct, major incident testing and HR functions.
· There would be 100 fewer staff following the new structure, these were mostly concentrated at senior management level.
· Concerns were raised regarding moped theft in Lewisham. Anecdotal reports were raised of delivery drivers feeling they needed to carry knives to protect themselves. The Committee heard that there was a rise in moped thefts across London. Operation Venice was a London-wide operation to reduce moped theft crime and included increased use of number plate recognition.
· The Police emergency response time target was 12 minutes. For non-emergency the response time target was within 1 hour.
· There had been delays getting through on the Police non-emergency 101 number nationally. An increase in methods of reporting non-urgent issues had taken place with new methods of online reporting.
· The new Borough Command urgent responses would be based on West and East to sustain response time targets.
· Following a question on concerns regarding the reduction in overall Police numbers, the Committee heard that the new model had a focus on processes and partnership working to ensure it was as robust as possible. Some teams would have an increased caseload and a wider geographical area to cover so there were challenges but they were confident that the new model would be successful.
· Section 60 “stop and search” powers had been implemented in Lewisham on two recent occasions. These powers were used extremely cautiously and only when a senior was convinced of the need for reasons of public safety.
· Lewisham had very low numbers of acid attacks however training took place to ensure preparedness for this type of attack. The Fire Service would often be the first response to such an attack.
That the report be noted.
That Superintendent Andy Carter and Martin Corbett MIFireE be thanked for attending the meeting and for their presentations.
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