Council meetings

Agenda item

Responses to Referrals to Mayor and Cabinet

Reponses to referrals relating to:

SEND provision
In-depth review of recruitment and retention of school staff
CAMHS savings proposals
will be considered by Mayor and Cabinet on 27 June and tabled at the CYP Select Committee meeting on 28 June.


Responses were received from Mayor and Cabinet to three referrals that the CYP Select Committee had previously made.


SEND provision

The following was noted:

1.    Other services besides Drumbeat, such as Watergate after school club and holiday scheme had been lost. These were not funded by the local authority, but are a loss to parents nonetheless.

2.    The local authority does not collect data on how many children with SEN access after school clubs in mainstream schools. Most mainstream schools aim for inclusivity, but this may not always be possible, particularly if the after school club is delivered by a 3rd party provider.

3.    Children with SEN may be practically excluded from mainstream after school provision if they are provided with transport. Transport can only be provided to the child’s home address, and cannot be rearranged to take a child to after school club instead.

4.    Concerns were raised about the version of SEND transport policy as it appeared on the council website. Officers gave assurances that the policy had been updated and committed to checking that the right version had been uploaded.

5.    Drumbeat provision was secure until the end of the summer

6.    Clarification was sought of the apparent contradiction in paragraphs 5.4 and 7.2 of the report which described the budget as both favourable and overspent. This would be supplied at the next meeting.

7.    Officers were looking at ways to reduce the cost per journey.


Recruitment and retention of school staff – in-depth review


The Chair was pleased noted the Mayor’s support for the creation of a Fair Workload Charter.


The following was noted in discussion:

·         Demographic change was bringing about a fall in Pupil Premium – data would be provided to the committee

·         Officers would raise the issue of underapplication for Free School Meals at the next school administration officers’ meeting and seek feedback and examples of good practice to share.

·         The Cabinet Member for Education should lobby the government for automatic application for Free School Meals with benefits applications, rather than the current arrangement which placed the onus on families to apply.

·         The committee requested a progress report on implementation of the recommendations for March 2019



Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)


The Cabinet Member for Education informed the committee that he had asked Cllr Octavia Holland to prepare a report that looked more widely than the points raised in the referral. The report would look at young people’s mental health needs to better understand the picture before deciding what cuts to make. Cllr Holland’s review would seek the input of mental health professionals and would report in September/ October, the committee heard.


It was noted that Cllr Holland would recuse herself from scrutiny of any decisions that the review might inform.




1)    the responses to the referrals be noted

2)    a progress update on the recruitment and retention in-depth review be added to the work programme for March 2019

3)    clarification on the SEND budget would be provided at the next meeting of the select committee.


Supporting documents: