The following projects were bidding for a share of the £12,500 Blackheath Assembly Fund. For more details regarding the projects contact paul.gale@lewisham.gov.uk
Organisation – Age Exchange
Project – The Magic Table – Dementia IT support
Amount applied for - £1,800
Project Description - We wish to buy and install a new invention called Tovertafel (or ‘Magic Table’). The Tovertafel is a little box that can be mounted on the ceiling. Inside the box is a high-quality projector, infrared sensors, speaker, and processor that work together to project the games onto the table. Because the colourful objects respond to hand and arm movements, users get to play with the light itself.
Tovertafel was developed to create something to stimulate activity – physical, mental and social – in people with late stage dementia. We have tested this technology at Age Exchange with our young onset dementia group and were really impressed by the way it encourages interaction amongst people with dementia and provides stimulation for those further along their dementia journey. The Magic Table would be a great addition to the activities we currently provide for people with dementia and their carers. A short Youtube film of how The Magic Table works is on the link below; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Orok9AljWFg
Organisation – Wash House Youth Project
Project –2018 Football Programme
Amount applied for - £1,950
Project Description - Weekly Football programme for local young people aged between 8 and 14. The programme will be delivered by two experienced coaches from Active Kids, who currently work in partnership with Morden Mount Primary School.
The Parkside population is increasing as stage 4 of the regeneration programme is now underway, and given limited space in the development for sports/recreational activities this activity provides young people new to the Blackheath ward with access to a well-maintained floodlit ball court. We are making a concerted effort to engage young people who have recently moved into the area (our October half-term programme attracted several newcomers and 40 young people overall) and we see this project as complementary to our existing term-time and holiday programmes.
More broadly, our football programme will aim to improve health and fitness, and inspire young people to exercise more. Previous experience of football, as well as sports activities more generally, is that this a highly effective way of improving confidence and self-esteem while also helping to break down social and/or territorial barriers that often exist in our communities.
Organisation – Quaggy Development Trust
Project – Older Peoples Lunch Club
Amount applied for - £2,000
Project Description - To take local elderly people on two separate day trips during the 2018 summer period. One trip to Eastbourne in Sussex and the other to Broadstairs in Kent. Both trips will be made by coach. To also provide them with lunch in local seaside restaurants.
During the trips the older people will have the opportunity to integrate and spend time with others. They will also have the chance to visit another area which due to various age related challenges they would not normally be able to access. Knowing that they have something to look forward to will enhance their wellbeing and outlook. These trips also help to alleviate social isolation and promote community cohesion.
Organisation – Carers Lewisham
Project – IT training for carers
Amount applied for – £1,940
Project Description - We want to offer 6 weeks IT training courses to carers of any age who need to improve their understanding of technology and their ability to use online platforms. Based on carers' individual needs, we will offer training on the use of Microsoft Office applications as well as tips and advice on how to access and use online services such as carers' and patient smartphone apps, booking GP online appointments, online grant applications, online carers self-assessments, google search, navigating the Lewisham Council website, etc.
Unpaid caring for an unwell or disabled child or older family member or friend can often be a lonely and isolating role which impacts disproportionately upon the health and well-being of the carer. Being socially isolated is one of the main effects of a caring role. One of the project’s main objectives and expected outcomes therefore is to connect local carers and create a greater sense of community and mutual understanding and support. Carers also invariably have poorer health and higher stress levels as a result of their role which not only has a detrimental effect on them but also impacts their ability to cope and continue caring.
Organisation – Church of the Ascension
Project – English for Speakers of Other Languages (Holy Trinity)
Amount applied for – £2,000
Project Description -The ESOL classes at the Holy Trinity Centre aim to provide free English language tuition to adults whose first language is not English in order to raise their competence in written and spoken English; to raise awareness of cultural differences and break down barriers between people of different backgrounds; to include those most at risk of isolation – parents with small children, through the provision of high quality childcare to benefit both local children and their parents; to aid integration into the local community.
The classes are held for local residents at the Holy Trinity Centre, Orchard Hill, SE13 7QZ on Monday mornings (9.45-11.45 a.m.) during school term times. The classes, free to students of all ages from 18, have been running for a number of years and are aimed at people whose first language is not English and want to learn and improve their knowledge and understanding of spoken and written English. The classes cater to beginners/improvers and a conversational group for those with some degree of confidence in their spoken English and seeking to extend their skills. There is a policy of continuous enrolment and of inclusive welcome.
The assembly unanimously agreed to fund all of the projects.