Council meetings

Agenda item

Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign Update- Gillian Lewis


Evidence on the crisis in NHS and Government Plans - some facts and figures


The NHS Federation  including:

  • list of failed contracts with private health companies, and the resulting consequences
  • info on closed A&E's and 40% of Maternity Units due to hospitals being overcrowded 
  • list of Royal Colleges, Patient Groups, Unions, Think Tanks, Associations, Select Committee's, Unions & the Government's own task force on mental health - who have repeatedly warned the Government of the dangers of it's deliberate policy of under-funding the NHS and Social Care
  • record breaking figures –  five-fold rise in just two years, of patients waiting more than 2 hours to be transferred from ambulance to hospital: lowest income rise for NHS since 1950's: unprecedented staff and GP shortages, highest published figures of patients delayed in hospital 
  • a new study published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine in Feb - linking an unprecedented rise in mortality in England and Wales to cuts to the NHS and social care


CHPI – Centre for Health and the Public Interest - an independent non-party think tank  including:

  • the Sustainability and Transformation Plans - a critical assessment of the Government's current plan to reorganise the NHS: reduce funding by £22b by 2020, create 44 areas in England with no regard for how existing organisations work together ie hospitals, clinics etc and the enforced sell off of NHS buildings and land  
  • Patient Safety in Private Hospitals – with the underfunding/ overcrowding of NHS hospitals, business is booming for Private Hospitals. The NHS pays a premium for each patient sent, 28% of patients in private hospitals are now NHS, but 6000 patients a year are admitted to NHS hospitals from private hospitals. Data on patient care is not collected by an independent body and is officially rated 'poor' by the CQC.  Private hospitals don't employ medical staff, but use Bank staff so post operative care is left to a Resident Medical Officer, typically a Junior Dr, who will usually be monitoring over 40 beds, with no on site Specialist to turn to, and usually no access to intensive care beds if a patient's condition deteriorates


Full list of MPs with connections to Private Health Companies


Health Campaigns Together – umbrella organisation for most of the Health Campaigns in England, for up to date News and information  


Professor Allyson Pollock, co-author of the NHS Reinstatement Bill  TED talk on the abolition of NHS with latest figures from American Institute of medicine re fraud, unnecessary admin costs, overpricing


Report on the myth that people living longer are causing the NHS to be unsustainable


Keep Our NHS Public a wealth of information, KONP are briefing Cllrs and other bodies on the Governments Plans Our local campaign, working together with KONP, The NHS Reinstatement Bill Campaign and many others – also briefing Cllrs, attending Local Authority Health Scrutiny Meetings, Trust and CCG Board meetings


Gillian Lewis (SLHC steering Group) please email for concise notes on how the Health and Social Care Act (2012) is dismantling and privatising the NHS    March 2017