Council meetings

Agenda item

Decisions Made by Mayor and Cabinet on 6 December 2017


Lewisham Future Programme 2018/19 Revenue Budget Savings

The Head of Corporate Resources introduced the report.

The Chair said as expected there was a large overspend which if not addressed could be an issue in future. He asked if plans had been put in place to tackle this.

Panel Members were informed that there was a predicted £30m overspend this year of which £7m has not yet been achieved, with additional savings of £10m to be made each year beyond 2020. Officers were expecting the consortium for fair funding to change things next year and a response was expected from the Council before March 2018.

Business Panel was also informed that officers were currently planning to achieve £33m savings by 2020, and believed the majority of the £7m savings for this year would be achieved, and £5m of savings was targeted to be made next year although this would leave the Council with a savings gap.

The Chair said there were a number of issues that were affecting the savings plan mainly the increasing cost of social care, and projected failures of the investment markets. He asked how the Council would address this. Panel Members were told that as part of the Council’s risk register officers were aware of these issues and were looking at the impact on services and the Council’s capacity was being monitored constantly. The Head of Corporate Resources said officers were also looking at fostering provision to ensure that dependency on private provision was reduced.


Councillor Johnston-Franklin said children social care would continue to be overspent and this area would need long term management and constant monitoring. The Head of Corporate Resources said officers were looking at medium term changes that would need to be made.

Councillor Mallory asked whether the Council would need to change its savings strategy as it had been difficult to achieve its projected savings to date. The Head of Corporate Resources said £17m projected savings was the worse case scenario, but officers were constantly monitoring the situation and the way the Council delivers services was constantly being reviewed and revised to ensure that savings were being made wherever possible. He added that all local authorities were in similar position. The Head of Corporate Resources said it was also likely that the new administration would prioritise different service provision.


Councillor Mallory said at this stage it was very important to prioritise income generation, and asked for an update of what had been achieved to date and if targets had been met. The Chair asked how officers intended to deal with the additional pressures of salary increase and Brexit.


The Head of Corporate Resources said officers would need to address this additional pressure and they would obtain advise on the effect of inflation, credit ratings, interest rates, and would keep assessing the situation, as things look very challenging for the future. The Chair said Panel Members would have to decide how they could influence the budget policy of the next Administration. He thanked officers for the report.


RESOLVED that the decision of the Mayor be noted.


Introduction of a New Public Space Protection Order


The Strategic Community Safety Services Managerintroduced the report.


The Chair said this was a timely review as the new Legislation would have superseded officers previous proposals. The Chair said Panel Members wanted to know how effective the protection order was, and how it was being monitored. The Strategic Community Safety Services Managerexplained to Panel Members how the order was been  enforced both by the Police and Council officers. 


The Chair said he understood the Council was under huge pressure to address this issue and it would be good for Panel Members to see the enforcement strategy and its effectiveness. The Strategic Community Safety Services Managersaid officers were thinking of streamlining the order. They would work on separate elements and review them separately.


The Chair said down by the Pool River Linear Park there was a constant problem with unauthorised encampment, and asked what could be done to prevent this. The Strategic Community Safety Services Managersaid travelling encampment issues have always been problematic but officers were dealing with this by directing offenders where they would get the necessary support. 


Councillor Muldoon commented on the Council working with licensing premises to assist in preventing drunken behaviour. Councillor Sorba said it would be more positive, and accepted by residents if elected members were seen to be doing this work rather than police officers. Councillor Johnston-Franklin asked for an explanation of unauthorised encampment without reasonable excuse. This was explained by the Strategic Community Safety Services Manager. 


Councillor Sorba said Safer, Stronger Communities Select Committee could look at this Order in detail and report back to the Panel on its implementation and effectiveness. It was agreed that Safer Stronger Communities Select Committee would be asked whether they would want to do a review on this Order.


The Chair said there had been some complaints about cyclists behaviour, officers acknowledged this. Councillor Muldoon asked whether this order would cover oxide canisters, the Strategic Community Safety Services Managersaid he would check and get back to him.


Action >>>>>> ED Community Services


The Chair thanked officers for the report.




i.  the decision of the Mayor be noted.

ii. the Chair of  SSSC be asked whether the Select Committee would like to

    review this order.


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