Council meetings

Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Select Committees Work Programmes 2017-18 - verbal update


The Chair informed Panel Members that this might be the right time to look at the governance of Scrutiny Committees, and the way they were set up. He said some flexibility would be needed in their structures.


Councillor Mallory said a review would be good, with recommendations for consideration by either the last Council meeting in the Municipal Year or the new Administration. Councillor Mallory said there were some political issues to be considered too especially if there was a change in the political balance  of the Council. The Chair said the Terms of References of Scrutiny Committees could be looked at too.


The Scrutiny Manager informed Panel Members that the Select Committees were currently reviewing the savings proposals. The Public Account Select Committee was scheduled to meet on 16 November and could make a referral to Mayor and Cabinet on 6 December if required.


Panel Members noted that the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee set up to scrutinise proposals from the South London and Maudsley NHS Trust relating to the mental health of older adults had agreed a series of recommendations to the Trust.


It was also noted that following scrutiny at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Healthier Communities Select Committee, the CCG has agreed to postpone its decision on the future of the New Cross Walk In Centre and extend the current contract until March so it could fully review the consultation responses and consider the suitability and effectiveness of the alternative provision in place.


Panel Members were informed that a number of Select Committees were concluding their in-depth reviews as follows:


·         Children and Young People Select Committee will consider the final report and recommendations arising from its review into the recruitment and retention of teachers at its next meeting on 11 December.

·         Safer and Stronger Select Committee’s review into LGBT provision has one further evidence session which is a telephone conference with Leicestershire County Council taking place next week. The report and recommendations will then be considered at the Committee’s December’s meeting.

·         Housing Select Committee will hold its final evidence session into types of housing provision on Thursday, 9 November. The final report and recommendations will be considered in December.

·         Healthier Communities Select Committee will be holding its second and final evidence session into social prescribing on 6 December. The final report and recommendations will be considered in January 2018.

·         The Sustainable Development Select Committee is continuing its longstanding review of the Catford regeneration plans.

·         The Public Accounts Select Committee will have an in-depth session on household budgets at its December meeting.



 The Chair of Housing Select Committee, Councillor Handley said the Committee was looking at ways to increase the availability of social housing.


The Chair of Sustainable Development Select Committee, Councillor Curran said that the response for Grenfell Towers’s inquiry was due on 15 November, he asked if this information would be going to the Sustainable Development Select Committee or Mayor and Cabinet. Councillor Curran said 60% of the safety checks had been done by Lewisham Building control, whilst 40% was done by a private firm. Councillor Mallory asked whether recommendations from Select Committees would go back to Sustainable Development Committee or would be brought to the Business Panel. The Chair said this would be considered and a decision made as to what meeting it would be presented.


Councillor Curran asked if Councillor Sorba had received an adequate response following his query at the last meeting about the appointment of the Management of  Beckenham Place Park.


Councillor Sorba said although he received a response, he was not satisfied as the information was inadequate. Councillor Sorba said he noted that when Councillors had delegated their responsibilities to outside bodies it becomes very difficult to monitor their activities.


The Chair said a lot of concerns have been raised and an officer review of the issue could be necessary. He added that Business Panel could refer this issue to the Audit Panel for them to ensure proper processes had been followed. The Principal Lawyer said as far as she was aware there were lettings and contract procedures which would have been followed. She said Business Panel could ask the Executive Director for a review of the current procedures.


Councillor Mallory commented that the Audit Panel might not be the best forum for this issue, and concurred with the Principal Lawyer that requesting a review from the Executive Director for Resources and Regeneration might be the best option. The Chair said he was happy for the Head of Corporate Resources to speak to the Executive Director for Resources to report back to  Business Panel. The Chair thanked the Scrutiny Manager for the update.




i.              the report be noted.

ii.            the Executive Director for Resources review the current lettings and contact procedure, and a report be brought to Business Panel.