Council meetings

Agenda item

Decisions Made by Mayor and Cabinet on 25 October 2017


Business Rates Revaluation Support


The Head of Public Service introduced the report. The Chair asked what progress local authorities had made since the revaluation came into effect. The Head of Public Service said local authorities, including Lewisham had started the process. He added that Lewisham was already dealing with their Small Business Rates and rates relief for pubs. The Chair asked for a briefing note to include which pubs qualify for the relief and the Wards they were located.


Action >>>>>> ED Customer Service


Councillor Johnston Franklin received confirmation that the relief ceiling was £600. Panel Members were told that 178 out of 6,000 pubs approximately were entitled to the relief. The Chair said this was a very small percentage, and that would explain the representations he received from the public. The Chair thanked officers for the report.


RESOLVED that the decision of the Mayor be noted.


London Business Rates Pilot


The Head of Corporate Resources introduced the report.


The Chair stated that members were led to believe that in the long run this scheme could adversely affect the Council, but they were now being told that there would be no detrimental effect. The Head of Corporate Resources informed Panel Members that the risk Lewisham face would be very small as this was a government initiative. He added that there should not be any detriment to the Council. The Head of Corporate Resources said by working together London Councils were promoting the right attitude.


The Chair said as this was a pilot scheme there should be an evaluation process. He asked when members should expect this, and was told that it would be in 2021. It was noted that a lot was still to be done and setting up the process would be in 2018/19, then adjustments would need to be made before the evaluation stage. The Chair asked that the Chair of the Public Accounts Select Committee be kept updated on the governance arrangements.


Action >>>>>> ED Resources and Regeneration


Councillor Mallory asked whether the governance arrangements would be in place before the pilot was launched, and was told this was the case. Councillor Mallory asked if there was any indication of what it would be and was told the intention was that one of the London Boroughs would do the administration on behalf of the others. Councillor Mallory said Members needed to be kept informed of developments.


Councillor Mallory asked if this scheme could be imposed on local authorities given the tight deadline, and was told that London Authorities were willing to get involved. It was noted that it was initiated during the June general elections and then revised in the Queen’s Speech. It was emphasised that this scheme was voluntary.


Councillor Johnston Franklin asked whether there had been any further distinction on funding, and was told there had not been any. It was noted that it had not been clarified how growth would be distributed. The Chair asked how much money was available Londonwide and was told £240m in the London pool, of which £2/3m could come to Lewisham, less administration fees. The Chair thanked officers for the report.


RESOLVED that the decision of the Mayor be noted.


Lewisham Homes Business and Delivery Plan 2017-20


The Housing Strategy and Partnerships Manager introduced the report.


The Chair asked when the plan would be revised and was told that although it was a 10 year agreement, it had a break clause at 3 years, and the Business would be reviewed every year. The Chair said there had been extensive remodelling of the plan and it would be useful for officers to share this information with Panel Members. The Housing Strategy and Partnerships Manager said the best time to share this information with Members would be after the budget. The Chair commented that it would be good for Panel Members to see what the options were. He thanked officers for the report.


Action >>>>>> ED Customer Service


RESOLVED that the decision of the Mayor be noted



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