Council meetings

Agenda item

Any Other Business

Your chance to tell us about event or activities you
are doing or ask some questions


If we run out of time for AOB, remember you can ask follow up questions by sending them to who can pass them on to the appropriate person.

You can also let us know about any community information you would like us to post on OR Tweet for you on @Love_Catford

These items will be included in the Catford South email newsletter and tweeted widely to our followers and beyond


New posts are added all the time so please keep checking it out. If you have left your email with us this evening you will be included in the Catford South news email


AOB (I = Information / S = Statement / Q = Question / A = Answer)

Q. At an earlier meeting there was talk about changes to food waste recycling is this happening?
A. Yes it is happening in October, you will get information though the post soon and your new food waste bin if you are getting one. Look at the website for information.

I. We received funding from the assembly meeting last year for the Diamond Club to put on a holiday from home scheme for older people. Well it is starting on 1st of August there are still places available if anyone knows anyone who might like to come along – especially for people who can’t get away any more. Please talk to me about it at the end as there are still some places available. This has been advertised with the Positive Ageing Council as well.

I. I am from Carers Lewisham, we are based in Forest Hill but now we work in neighbourhoods, if you are caring for someone and feel that Forest Hill is too far, we are looking to do outreach in the community. If you know anyone who has an attendance allowance or caring from a member of the family they can come along and see us.

I. We are based in Rushey Green and we have an event for 50+ on the 15th of July, amazing day, food fun dance, everything done is by people who are 50+ information is on the Love Catford website

I. Friday mornings 11-12 we are holding reminiscence groups that meet in the library. We have lots of artefacts and stories. Please do come along for tea and coffee and talking about school days. Anyone can come along.

I. Catford film have been supposed by this assembly for a number of years, next weekend Catford Film are showing La La Land as an outdoor showing. Starts around 8.30 9.30 Saturday 15th July on Catford Broadway.

S. Last year Catford had a Shakespeare event, Catford Upon Avon - We need more things like that.

Q. The toilets across the road have been removed we can use the toilets in the library, will the library be open 24 hours if someone is caught short?
A. Toilets are disappearing sure to costs…Lewisham local are working with the council to develop a toilets for public use scheme, working with local community and businesses where toilets are being taken away, it’s not ideal but they are trying to develop this scheme.

Q. How will the outcomes of these priorities exercise will be given to residents –
A. it will be put on the website

I. Lewisham Pensioners Forum set up in 1986 to be the voice of older people, we have a meeting bi monthly forum meeting on the 26th of July, 10.30 civic suite, making our voices herd after the election. We all feel we will be suffering as older people. We have a regular NHS sub group meeting and we also have our regular Monday club project. We run regular trips as well.

I. The Cinderella line are a campaign group to help make improvements to the stations that are served by Thameslink and run through Catford Station, They talking to Thameslink on the Catford loop about improving services and adding more trains. They have got through stage 1 now they are entering stage 2. They need 3000 people to sign the petition to say that we want more services. This is really easy and literally takes 2 minutes to complete. Hopefully people will get better services on the Catford loop from Catford Station


Cllr Amrani - Thank you everyone for coming tonight. If you want to join the coordinating group and help us take the assembly forward we would love to welcome you.


Meeting Closed