Council meetings

Agenda item

This year's funding and shortlisting your priorities

What the fund is, how you can access the documents you need, and general guidance.

All documents and guidance will be put on when they are ready. You will be sent email notification of the opening of the fund.


We have been collecting your feedback to make a long list of assembly priorities for our action plan. So we can shortlist, please use your stickers provided to tell us the priorities that matter most to you by placing them on the posters around the room.



As you know – for the moment - the Catford South local Assembly has £15000 in funding to help develop community projects to make our area even better

We allocate the full £15,000. £2,500 of this is put forward under councillor discretionary funding.

Here are the things you really need to know about the funding:

When will our fund open…?

·         It will be open by the latest of Monday 31st of July 2017 – possibly earlier.

·         We will be including the outcomes of tonight’s priorities gathering exercise into the guidance documents.  – your applications should link in to the assemblies priorities

·         As soon as it opens - all the information will go up on love Catford website and will be emailed direct to you. If you have not left your email here tonight please ensure you do.

·         So don’t worry if you forget everything I tell you now it will all be on the website.

What is the deadline?

We are working to a deadline of Thursday the 21st of September at 11pm…

This gives you over 8 weeks to apply – however and I ask this with absolute love but please don’t delay getting your applications in.

If you have the perfect project you want to apply for – do it as soon as possible – it really helps me out if I don’t get 30 applications in on deadline day.


Before you make your application what should you do?

1 - Firstly read, re read and read again the guidance notes that come with the documents.

2 - Please use the correct application form, which can be downloaded

I’m afraid we can’t take applications submitted in other formats as these forms need to be standard for all 18 wards in Lewisham.

3 - If you have the means please do fill it in using a computer.

Hand written applications are very difficult to process. However as Catford South fully embraces being an age and dementia friendly community we understand if you have to hand write it.

However, we ask that you get hand written forms in early so they can be typed up and that there is an email contact on it

4 - Barbara and I are here to guide you and offer general advice, Barbara as part of her development remit will also be able to help you with your application if needed.

When you apply what will happen

1 - When you email me your application you will get a receipt email. Please save this. If for any reason your do not receive a receipt email then - do contact me again to confirm I got it.

2 - Once all applications are in - they will be assessed and put forward by the coordinating group. Anyone from the community can be a part of this group, so if you are interested in joining please contact me or Barbara

3 - If you application is successful you will need to come to the assembly meeting in the autumn to present your project to the assembly and provide us with 250 words detailing your project for the funding booklet

4 - All dates / all information and all relevant documents will be on the Love Catford community website and again if you have any questions, please email me and we can arrange a time to talk



Priorities what are they? there is an action plan for the ward, list the priorities, when the project comes n we use this to assess whether or not they are the right project, we make sure that projects get funded are in line with local need. We have been doing a survey over the last number of months, had over 140 responses to that survey. What are people saying so far? it is  a very short questionnaire and fly tipping has come up as the highest priority in the area, trees planting and greening has come second…the Corbett RA have been planting trees in the streets locally. Crime and safety is another high priority for the area, supporting local business is an interesting one that has scored quite highly. Supporting older people was an issue for many, we have a high number than average of older people in our ward. And children and young people

We have grouped these priorities under some headings …we identified 21 priorities, so we grouped them under themes and headings otherwise we would find it impossible to focus projects.

there is a piece of work going on fly tipping that one finding the hotspot and working to get a mobile camera, this is a work in progress. And the Catford eyes project which is a creative way to help deal with fly tippers and litterers – Barbara showed the examples of the mosaic eyes that are being put around the ward to deter offenders


Any questions – No - Very straightforward…please do the exercise at the break