Council meetings

Agenda item

Community information

i)                  Local resident speaks about his petition for Sandhurst Rad Traffic calming - Kristian Salvesen


Kristian has designed a petition calling for the Council to Install effective measures to reduce speeding and traffic related problems on Sandhurst Road, SE 6


Access the petition by using this link:



ii)                Setting up a small group to help develop a petition regarding increasing issues on Bellingham/Randlesdown Roads – Jeff Worthy


Local residents are concerned that this area is increasingly becoming a hot sport of fly-tipping and other issues and would like to petition the council to help improve the situation. Part of this will be to set up a petition to hold a public meeting. If you want to sign up to the working group there will be a sign up sheet with Lucy at the end of the meeting



iii)             Community Neighbourhood HealthPartnership – Barbara Gray

Neighbourhood health partnerships cover 4 wards of Catford South, Grove Park, Whitefoot and Downham. We are hoping more community groups from Catford South will get involved with his partnership – which may lead to potential funding opportunities


The second meeting of the Neighbourhood Health Partnership is happening on Monday 17th of July, Ringway Centre, Baring Road Lee, SE12 ODS, 2pm -4pm. for more information about this meeting please contact Barbara Gray on





iv)             Age Friendly consultation – Lucy Formolli (Positive Ageing Council) 


The Council is applying to join the World Health Organisation (WHO) Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities. As part of this process we need to establish a baseline measure of how age-friendly the borough is now. We are therefore seeking your help to do this by participating in our survey. Your feedback will inform and shape our age-related work across various council service areas. It will also help us understand what is most important to you, where we are doing well and what could be improved upon.


This consultation is being undertaken to establish a baseline measure of how age-friendly the borough is. It will ask questions around the eight themes that the World Health Organisation have identified as important for quality of life for older residents. These are: outdoor spaces and buildings; transport; housing; social participation; respect and social inclusion; civic participation and employment; communication and information; and community and health services.


You can access this Age Friendly Lewisham consultation online:


Hard copies are available tonight as Catford South is Age Friendly. Please take some for your relatives friends and neighbours who are not online


To find out more or to join the positive ageing council contact



i)                  Local resident speaks about his petition for Sandhurst Rad Traffic calming - Kristian Salvesen


Kristian spoke to the attendees alerting them to his petition and asking them to sign it to try and encourage more traffic calming measures and better enforcement of the 20 MPH zone on Sandhurst and Sangly road.


i)                  Setting up a small group to help develop a petition regarding increasing issues on Bellingham/Randlesdown Roads – Jeff Worthy

Local residents are concerned that this area is increasingly becoming a hot sport of fly-tipping and other issues and would like to petition the council to help improve the situation. Part of this will be to set up a petition to hold a public meeting.

Cllr Amrani introduced Jeff Worthy, a local resident from Crantock Road who is a strong voice on this ward assembly and the coordinating group.

Jeff worthy. I have taken photographs of the areas I wish to discuss tonight - everyone should have them please look at them…the area I am looking at is Bromley road that run from Denby road to the junction of Bellingham and Randlesdown Road.

The pictures are self-evident! As a general point I think this area has declined badly over the last 5 years…the site of the corrugated iron photo used to be a scaffolding yard that has just been left to rot. It is designated as light industrial usage, but I don’t see any light industrial use on it at the moment. We can’t leave it looking like this… originally they put an advertising hoarding around it but apparently they had to take it down. The owner of this site did that and put up the corrugated iron.

It is not just about the corner site, as bad as it is, at the shops of that stretch of road there is a lot of dangerous paving. Who is responsible for maintaining this stretch of pavement and what are they doing to get it fixed. The vehicles parking on the pavement is making the paving worse.

There is a car wash in Denby road, my understanding is that there have been letters going from the Lewisham enforcement team promising all sorts of action, but nothing has still been done.

Domestic rubbish, as you can see in the pictures. That rubbish is there all week when residents putting rubbish out any day of the week even though it is not being picked up until Tuesdays. The Fox’s then get into it and it goes everywhere.

We have a few ideas. Can we get TfL involved as 4 bus stops go along there, can they find some money to do some improvements there? Why hasn’t the enforcement action been more effective if carried out at all? Who is responsible for fixing broken paving, you could really hurt yourself and when will we get to grips with this awful eyesore on the corner. It’s a disgrace.

How are we going to take this forward? We have suggested that we start a working party /action group around that. We want to get interested people in involved and try and take some formal action as a group of residents.

From the floor: When it’s dark walking from the station it is not very safe, it is quite dark and I am edgy walking there. A real big stretch where it is dark walking from the station.

From the floor: So many issues I think you need to extend the area of interest further north and further south this part of the ward has been overlooked over the last few years. I don’t think it has attracted the interest that other parts of the ward has got.

From the floor: The retail park - can the council get in touch with them to help clean up the mess and the greenery, I have been in contact with them but they won’t do anything. It would be helpful if someone from the council could write to the management company of the retail site.

From the floor: Phoenix hub is going to be redeveloped, have they not commented on it? Are they not concerned about their surroundings, we could get them involved. Worth asking them.

The revolution starts here haha.

The bus garage itself is awful and has replaced the foliage with black plastic pebbles, why? Rats?

Cllr Alan Smith came forward to address many of the issues raised by the residents at the meeting

Cllr Smith:

The scaffolding yard: It is still in the same ownership. He has applied for 2 sets of planning consent, one was for flats, which I think was for 12 stories, the other was for a hotel. Both were turned down. The block of flats has to have mixed commercial usage on the ground floor, but he is refusing to do that. We are at an impasse with the owner. We won’t grant consent for things that are not in line with our planning policies.

Pavements: The easiest way to find out is look at the colour of the lines on the road side if they are red lines they are transport for London, they own the road. We have raised it with them on a number of times. They own the pavement but not the tarmacked bits in front of the shops, they belong to the freeholders of the shops. We have tried to engage the business owners a number of times on clearing up their parts of the road. They don’t seem to want to spend any money on their properties, it is a real mess. We have contacted the owners.

The carwash: we keep starting enforcement proceedings and they keep putting in a planning applications, every time the enforcement gets a couple of weeks away from being done, they put in a change of usage application to a car wash - which under current planning law allows them to continue. It is a real failure of current planning law. They have a closure notice on them at the moment. The owner of that site take the view that he wants to do what he wants and it has nothing to do with us but we are doing everything we can.

Mess at the retail park: you probably know that we are almost continually in litigation with the freeholders of that site over their attempts to overturn our planning restrictions on the site to food retail, they want food retail there. Nobody in Catford south would want to see a food supermarket on that site. At the moment we are continually turning it down.

Q. Can we get TfL to chip in
A. I will have a chat with them when I see them in a week or so

Lighting down the main road: I’m surprised it’s that bad as I haven’t heard anything about it. Q. Is there a streetlight out? A. No it’s just very dark,
We can turn them up and down, so we will look into them and turn them up if possible.

Q. Re the mixed use at the bottom of the flats mentioned before, wouldn’t that just lead to more fast food retails which is bad for the area?
A. No in that area there are lots of takeaway outlets already and fortunately we have set a limit of a number of takeaways in an area, so they can’t open any new fast food… it needs to be non-residential though as it is a very busy junction so you don’t want residential at ground level. It must be mixed use commercial.

Q. I’m still not totally clear with where we are with dialogue with the person that owns that site of the scaffolding.
A. The ball is entirely in their court, we have refused the application that has gone in.

Cllr Amrani: Jeff has bought for us a chance for a group to get together to put forward a petition and want the council to take action - the residents are fed up.

Jeff: my email address is on the forms if anyone is interested in getting involved in trying to sort this out and we can try and take things forward and try and get an action group together.

i)                  Community Neighbourhood HealthPartnership – Barbara Gray

Catford south is not an area that attracts money. We have the assembly fund that provides opportunities and we now have this other partnership around health and social care in Lewisham. The council realises that the community is fantastic and has much to offer so there is another pot of money to cover the 4 wards of Catford South, Grove Park, Downham and Whitefoot. They are working together to make improvements and create a partnership around thinking about health and social care and what can we as community organisations can do. It is a brand new initiative, the next meeting is on the 17th of July 2-4 pm at the Ring-way Centre in Lee, If anyone is interested in health and making local change in our community please do come along, the information is in the pack.



ii)                Age Friendly consultation – Lucy Formolli (Positive Ageing Council) 

As well as coordinator for this assembly I am also the coordinator for the Positive Ageing Council. I h am here to remind you that we are hoping you can take part in the age friendly Lewisham consultation.

We want to work with the World Health Organisation to become an Age friendly borough. This is really exciting but it will take a long time and we are just at the start. Our approach is to work with the individual departments in the council to make improvements across the borough around the WHO 8 Age Friendly themes that they identified as being important for quality of life as you are ageing. Not just looking after people over 70

The themes are:

We are currently running a broad stokes consultation on line and on hard copy leaflets, we have lots of printouts and freeposts envelope if you have a neighbour or family member or neighbour who is not on line please take one to them or contact me and I can send a batch,

As well as that we are running small focus groups on each of the themes. members of the Positive Ageing Council Steering Group have been trained as participant researchers by Greenwich University, drilling down to the issues individually – thank you to Lesley at the Diamond Club for helping bring some people to the focus groups. We are also exploring the themes at Positive Ageing Public Meetings, which happen quarterly.

You don’t have to be older to fill it out, you don’t have to be older to care about making these improvements which include more seating, better pavements, better healthcare, better chances to be involved and to be able to do the things you want to do as you age. We would be so grateful if you can fill it out – details are in the booklet on online