Council meetings

Agenda item

Creative New Cross


4. Creative New Cross


4.1    Cllr Dromey introduced the speakers who had come to tell residents about creative projects that are running in the ward and opportunities to get involved.


Painting Deptford Maze            Patricio Forrester, Artmongers   


4.2    Patricio explained that Art Mongers are an organisation who have worked on local murals. They recently restored His & Hers on Deptford High Street. This was paid for by Anthology who are a developer delivering a new build project locally.


4.2    The next project will be creating a new mural in the square on New Cross Road at the intersection with Tanners’ Hill. This as the result of the Brockley Assembly who identified that it needed updating.


4.3    The funding has come from the Mayor with the brief being to create a new mural to brighten the square crates a sense inclusive of space.


4.4    It is a difficult canvas as it has three buttresses which divide the space, the square has no name and there are some street drinkers who congregate there.


4.5    The attached presentation outlines the idea which is a work in progress and Patricio invited ideas. Resident suggestions

·         Add some humour

·         Could we have some historical characters?


4.6    Deptford Society mentioned the re-siting of the Anchor which has been a campaign that has been ongoing for some time. Also they queried the consultation on the mural.


4.7    Patricio replied that street art is not covered by planning permission regulations. He has removed some street art where there has been a complaint. After 7 years planning permission can be applied for to retain the art.


Deptford XFestival                        Patrick Henry, Deptford X


4.8    Patrick Henry introduced himself as the Director of Deptford X; the 10 day visual arts festival that will be running from 23rd September to 2nd October. This is the 18th year that the festival has run.


4.9    This has been put together by a new team of Patrick and Thea Smith. It consists of a new core programme from 5 emerging artist together with a new fringe format that is open and independent featuring over 80 projects.


4.10 There are tours, artists’ talks, screenings and performance. Full details on the new website and there are maps available tonight which have just arrived.


4.11 There is a launch party at 9 Brookmill Road on 23rd September from 6-8pm followed by an after party at Wunderlust 8-late on the red bus next to The Birds’ Nest pub on Creekside.


Batavia Mews                               Sarah Lang


4.12  Sarah Lang explained that there had been some S106 money for creating a pocket park at Batavia Mews behind New Cross Learning. This is payment that developers pay to improve various community facilities to offset the impact of the impact of development on local resources.


4.13  There is £5,733.19 of this S106 money left for a piece of public art. We would like to know what type of artwork residents would like this to be, bearing in mind that this is not a large sum of money. Please e-mail ideas to


Midi Music Company                     Jo Corrigan


4.14 Jo Corrigan told the Assembly that Midi Music Company who are a music education charity who are based in Deptford who offer programmes such as affordable music and production classes for children age five upwards, and career development to help emerging artists make their way in the music industry. 


4.15Their autumn programme is just starting and Jo has information for anyone who is interested.


4.16For 16-30 year-olds there is a Creative Industries careers advice service which offer free 1-to- 1’s across a range of creative industries.


4.17In addition there is low-cost rehearsal space, instruments and artist development such as social media skills to develop musicians’ profile.