Council meetings

Agenda item

Updates form previously successful assembly funded projects

·        Deptford Cinema- Edwin Mingard

·        Evergreen project – Claire Pitter

·        Brockley Saturday School - Marie Aurelie

·        Football projects – written update



·         Deptford Cinema- Edwin Mingard


Deptford Cinema is a volunteer-run, not-for-profit cinema.

It has been showing all kinds of films – new and old, UK and from around the world – and programming is done at public meetings (every Sunday, 4pm), where people can propose films and then, with support, programme them.

Discount tickets are offered to Brockley residents , and any Brockley resident will automatically qualify as a concession. Also anyone who

would normally qualify as a concession will be able to attend for free! All you need to do is bring some proof of eligibility (any letter addressed to you, or any card or document showing eligibility for a concession if that applies).


For more information go to:  or follow the Cinema on Facebook or

Twitter @DeptfordCinema


·         Evergreen project – Claire Pitter

Claire Pitter explained that between August and November 2015, the Evergreen project delivered 3 out of 6 events; 2 Coffee mornings at Leander Community Centre and a Dementia awareness seminar:

  1. Dementia awareness seminar – 8 August 2015 – guest speakers from the NHS and Lewisham Mindcare – held at the Tabernacle Church
  2. Coffee Morning – 25 September 2015 incorporating Macmillan Coffee morning held at Leander Community Centre
  3. Coffee Morning – 27 November 2015 – held at Leander Community Centre.

These events were widely advertised throughout Brockley, the Leander Community Centre and Lewisham borough in local churches and shops.

They are planning a pamper session for seniors at the Leander community centre instead of a Christmas dinner and will hold a further 3 coffee mornings in 2016.


·         Brockley Saturday School - Marie Aurelie

The Saturday School Club gave children the chance to maintain and  progress their academic levels over the half term and summer holidays.

They tutored over forty children during the school summer holidays and the half term break and were open  from 10am-4pm every Saturday throughout the school holidays.

Parents appreciated the fact that this was provided completely free of charge.

The club provided Maths, English and Language Tuition.


·         Football projects:

   50+ Walking project


  • 12 x 1.5 hours of mixed women’s football activity delivered.
  • During the success of these sessions we were able to deliver 6 more sessions, which were delivered throughout the summer by FA qualified coaches, and funded from Dalmain Athletic Women’s FC club funds.
  • All sessions were delivered free of charge, including the 6 additional sessions, including free refreshments during the project.
  • All attendees were signposted to regular sessions run by the local club Dalmain Athletic Walking FC
  • 37 people attended at least 1 session across the extended project, most attended 3 or more. 24 men and 13 women made up the total attendees.
  • Although we consider the WF a success, despite numbers being slightly below expectations, next time we would begin marketing a little earlier.
  • Cost £1760 with contribution of £257 from Winning Post


Girls Healthy Lifestyle through Football Project


  • 15 school based coaching sessions
  • 1 x 5 school tournament
  • 6 community sessions.
  • The project was a great success, all coaching sessions delivered and a great tournament for the Brockley Ward Cup.
  • Approximately 80 girls from years 2& 3 took part across the whole project.
  • Cost £2352  with £128 contribution