Council meetings

Agenda item

134 Kirkdale, SE26


The Planning Officer outlined details of the cases and answered Councillor queries regarding the change of use of the existing premises at 134 Kirkdale SE26 from Class A1 Shops to a Class D1 cooking studio, together with the alteration of the fixed fascia level board and construction of a rear yard canopy (DC/15/90414).  As the application property is a listed building, this proposal also includes Listed Building Consent (DC/15/90431).


The Committee received verbal representation from Ms Farah Hamid (applicant) who presented the scheme and addressed Members questions regarding the development. 


Members also received verbal representation from the Sydenham Society who outlined their objections in relation to the scheme.  They raised concerns relating to the impact of a D1 use on footfall, the reinstatement of the green stall risers, the placement of cooker hoods in the window bays, lack of refuse storage, fire safety and the positioning of the disabled toilet outside.  There was also discussion surrounding the reinstatement of a right of way to the rear of the property.


Following questions and deliberation by Members, Officers suggested that the concerns relating to refuse are capable of being dealt with via an additional condition.  Planning Officers also agreed that an informative could be added to request that opportunities for the use of the rear access way for refuse collection should be fully explored when a refuse strategy is being prepared.


It was also suggested that an informative was added to the Listed Building Consent to remind the applicant that the condition relating to the restoration of the existing stall risers includes the green stall risers.


In light of the above, Councillor John Paschoud moved a motion to accept the officer’s recommendation and grant planning permission and Listed Building Consent subject to the conditions as guided by officers and the additional condition and informatives discussed above.  It was seconded by Councillor Dacres.   


Members voted as follows:

FOR:                Bell (Chair), Ogunbadewa (Vice-Chair), Dacres, Hilton, Hooks, and John Paschoud.

RESOLVED:     That planning permission be granted in respect of application No. DC/15/90414 subject to the conditions outline in the report and additional condition (3) and informative (B):

                        Condition 3:

                                       (a)       The use hereby approved shall not commence on site until details of proposals for the storage and collection arrangements of refuse and recycling facilities for the commercial unit, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.


                                       (b)       The facilities as approved under part (a) shall be provided in full prior to occupation of the development and shall thereafter be permanently retained and maintained.


Reason:  In order that the local planning authority may be satisfied with the provisions for recycling facilities and refuse storage in the interest of safeguarding the amenities of neighbouring occupiers and the area in general, in compliance with Development Management Local Plan (November 2014) DM Policy 30 Urban design and local character and Core Strategy Policy 13 Addressing Lewisham waste management requirements (2011).

                        Informative (B):

The applicant is advised that opportunities for the use of the rear access way for refuse collection should be fully explored when a refuse collection strategy is being prepared.

Additionally, that Listed Building Consent is granted in respect of application No.DC/15/90431 subject to the conditions outlined in the report and the additional informative (B):

The applicant is advised that the restoration of the stallrisers required by condition 5 relates to all stallrisers on site.



The meeting ended at 10:22 pm        Chair

24 September 2015


Supporting documents: