Council meetings

Agenda item

Community Safety Update


2.0             Community Safety Update

PC Richard Bailey, Safer Neighbourhoods Team


PC Bailey gave details of a current fraud scam which is accruing in the area and asked attendees to alert other, particularly elderly residents.


People are receiving telephone calls from someone pretending to be either from their bank or from the police. They are told that there is a reported irregularity with their bank card and in order to check this they need your PIN number.


They say that they are going to give you a number to ring for security purposes but do not cut the phone off co they are still on the line whilst you are dialling the number. You are then tell you that they will be sending a courier to collect your faulty card.


PC Bailey reminded the assembly that the bank or the police will never ask for bank details and said that there were leaflets covering this and other common scams, available at the back of the room, together with other crime prevention information and property marking kits.


PC Bailey added that Lewisham Homes provide a free security improvement advice service.


Questions were invited (NOTE: The Q & As throughout this document are not a verbatim record)


Q. Is there anything that we can do if this happens?


A. (PC Bailey) Either ring the bank or go into the branch to report it.


Q. Do people ever get caught?


A. (PC Bailey) Yes, we work with the fraud squad on this. Details are logged on their system which is linked across Europe and beyond.This information helps with investigations.


Q. How can someone who is deaf ring 999?


A. (PC Bailey) There is online report or you can also text both the 999 emergency number and the 101 non emergency numbers.


Q. A resident raised that foliage was obscuring street lighting and that there had been an assault in as a result of poor lighting. He had contacted both LB Lewisham and Skanska but neither were taking responsibility for cutting the trees back despite having sent people to survey the job.


A. (Cllr Wise) asked that the resident contact her and she will take this forward to ensure that the area is made safe.


Q. There is an accident hot spot outside the Perry Hill Pubas there are usually several cars parked outside where the road bends. This obscures the view for both pedestrians and car coming out of Clarens Street. In addition there are people who leave the pub by car, having been drinking. Can this be addressed?


A. (PC Bailey) Yes, we are planning to do a speed survey in this area and can also patrol the area to address drink driving offences.


Q. Can you tell us about the general crime figures in the ward?


A. (PC Bailey) There has been a spike in vehicle theft lately, particularly number plate being stolen. Burglaries were up 10% a while ago but this has reduced again recently.


Q. (Cllr Wise)What is the law on quad bikes on the highway as there are several in the ward?


A. (PC Bailey)They are fine as long as they are registered, taxed and insured.


A resident added that they did not think that some of the bikes were road legal and another added that there were also a number of motor cross bikes being ridden on the rail bridge as well as performing wheelies on the road.


PC Bailey asked anyone witnessing these behaviours, or with concerns over road legality to take the registration number and report it to the team as warnings can be issued.


Q. Are quad bike users required to wear a helmet?


A. (PC Bailey) No, although it is recommended that they do.


Cllr Wise thanked PC Bailey for his update.