Forum ensures that the interests of parents and pupils come
first, and that certain principles are observed when admissions
policies are proposed by governors.
mainstream schools in Lewisham are represented, as well as the
Diocesan authorities who oversee faith schools.
Forum is a non-statutory body whose role is to consider proposed
and existing admissions arrangements and assess how well they serve
the interests of local parents and children.
The Forum also monitors how admissions
relate to published admissions numbers and reviews the
comprehensiveness and accessibility of guidance for parents and the
composite prospectus produced by the local authority.
Forum meetings
The Forum meets every term
consider existing and proposed
admissions arrangements
promote agreement on admission
consider improvements to admissions
review admissions guidance for
promote agreement on arrangements for
dealing with in-year admissions including for challenging and
vulnerable pupils
publish advice representing the agreed views of the Forum,
in the form of a leaflet which is distributed to the governors of
all schools which are their own admission authorities.
The Forum works in partnership with
local schools and has been very successful in simplifying admission
arrangements and making them more accessible for