To deal with all matters
relating to the ethical framework affecting members of the Council
under Part I Chapter 7 Localism Act 2011 as amended and all other
relevant legislation including regulations, directions and guidance. This shall include but not
be limited to:
The promotion of the highest standards of behaviour
by members of the Council, including the Mayor, councillors, independent members and
Advising the Council on the introduction and
operation of the Member Code of Conduct, making recommendations for
change as the Committee sees fit
Training all members in the operation of the Member
Code of Conduct and ensuring that it is well publicised both within
and outside the Council.
The introduction, implementation and maintenance of a procedure for
dealing with allegations of breach of the Member Code of Conduct;
including monitoring and review and amending it from time to time
as the Committee sees fit.
Dealing with allegations of breach of the Member
Code of Conduct, referred to them by the Monitoring Officer and the
imposition of sanctions as appropriate in accordance with the law,
the Council’s Constitution and relevant procedures adopted by
the Council.
Monitoring and review of the Council’s
whistleblowing procedures and cases referred to the whistleblowing
officer under it, making recommendations to the Council as the
Committee considers appropriate.
Consideration of applications for dispensation to
allow members to participate in consideration of matters in which
they would, but for a dispensation, not be able to participate, in
circumstances permitted by law.
Annual monitoring and review of the Council’s
Code of Corporate Governance, including an assessment of the degree
of compliance, submitting a report in this respect to full Council
on an annual basis.
To adjudicate on any dispute relating to the payment
of Members’ Allowances or expenses under the Members’
Allowances scheme in force from time to time.
To review the Council’s use of the powers
available to it under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act
All things necessary or in the opinion of the
Committee appropriate to fulfil the role and remit of a
Standards Committee as defined by law or
the Council’s constitution.