Venue: Civic Suite
No. | Item |
Election of the Chair Minutes: Resolved: that Councillor Jackson be agreed as Chair of the Task and Finish Group. |
Declaration of interests PDF 212 KB Minutes: There were none. |
Improving scrutiny Task and Finish Group scoping report PDF 510 KB Minutes: 3.1 Councillor Jackson introduced the report – setting out the key intentions of the Task and Finish Group. In the discussion that followed, these key points were noted:
· It had been 20 years since Overview and Scrutiny had been implemented in local government. · There had been a long history of changes to scrutiny – that moved at different paces. · The Group should not be afraid to look at everything – and fundamentally change the approach to be more effective. · That scrutiny should be forward thinking and fit for the future. · The importance of achieving consensus. · The Group might recommend sets of changes rather than implementing them as a whole. · The potential to learn from other authorities. · Recommendations should fit with Lewisham’s approach whilst enabling the production of dynamic work.