Council meetings

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Civic Suite


No. Item


Election of the Chair


Resolved: that Councillor Jackson be agreed as Chair of the Task and Finish Group.


Declaration of interests pdf icon PDF 212 KB


There were none.


Improving scrutiny Task and Finish Group scoping report pdf icon PDF 510 KB


3.1      Councillor Jackson introduced the report – setting out the key intentions of the Task and Finish Group. In the discussion that followed, these key points were noted:


·         It had been 20 years since Overview and Scrutiny had been implemented in local government.

·         There had been a long history of changes to scrutiny – that moved at different paces.

·         The Group should not be afraid to look at everything – and fundamentally change the approach to be more effective.

·         That scrutiny should be forward thinking and fit for the future.

·         The importance of achieving consensus.

·         The Group might recommend sets of changes rather than implementing them as a whole.

·         The potential to learn from other authorities.

·         Recommendations should fit with Lewisham’s approach whilst enabling the production of dynamic work.