Venue: Civic Suite
Contact: Benjamin Awkal, Scrutiny Manager Email:
No. | Item |
Election of Chair Decision: RESOLVED That Cllr Atkinson be elected Chair.
Minutes of previous meetings PDF 79 KB Additional documents: Decision: That the minutes of the meetings held on 20 September 2023 and 27 March 2024 be agreed as accurate records.
Declarations of interest PDF 83 KB Decision: There were none. |
Draft Final Report and Recommendations PDF 86 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED 1. That the appended report be agreed, with the following amendments, and submitted to the Mayor and Cabinet: a. advocating for the benefits and resourcing of youth services be added to the suggested functions in recommendation 3; b. in recommendation 10, it be specified that the arrangements to enable youth-leadership should be appropriate to young people’s needs and ages and co-designed with them; c. on page 26, current commissioned service expenditure of approximately £1.25 million and grant funding distribution of approximately £2 million to youth service providers be noted; and d. in recommendation 12, the word ‘develop’ be inserted between the words ‘providers’ and ‘a common’. 2. A Chair’s foreword be added and the membership section updated before the report is submitted to the Mayor and Cabinet. 3. The amended report be shared with Children and Young People’s Services officers as soon as practicable and with the Children and Young People Select Committee to inform its forthcoming item on the future of youth services.