Contact: Nidhi Patil Email: (
No. | Item |
Election of Chair Decision: 1.1. RESOLVED: that Cllr Rosie Parry be elected as Chair of the Task and Finish Group.
Minutes: 1.1. RESOLVED: that Cllr Rosie Parry be elected as Chair of the Task and Finish Group.
Declarations of Interest PDF 212 KB Decision: None. Minutes: None. |
Private Rented Sector in Lewisham Task and Finish Group- Scoping Report PDF 574 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED: · that the scoping report be agreed, encompassing the Group’s intended outcomes, key lines of enquiry and the timetable for completion of work, all set out in the report.
Minutes: Nidhi Patil (Scrutiny Manager) introduced the report, followed by a discussion by the Task and Finish Group members. The following key points were noted:
3.1. The main areas of focus for the TFG were- improving their understanding of the current challenges in the private rented sector (PRS); evaluating the current support offer for residents in the PRS; improving communication with PRS residents; and drawing insights from good practice in the sector across England. 3.2. The proposed timeframe for this TFG’s work was approximately 9 months from its initial meeting. 3.3. It was discussed that the TFG should assess how different departments within the Council engage with each other. For example, it should look at how the planning department collaborates with the Council’s PRS team when overseeing medium and large scale-developments to ensure consistent Council policies. The TFG aimed to elevate the priority of Lewisham’s PRS tenants across the Council. 3.4. Members thanked Councillor Will Cooper for drafting the proposal for this TFG. 3.5. Members endorsed and expressed their appreciation for the thorough and meticulous report, which comprehensively documented all the key points from the TFG’s informal discussions and other meetings. 3.6. It was noted that this was an important area of work that the Council hadn’t focused enough on in the past. The perception of private renting had shifted from being a temporary phase for young individuals to a permanent housing solution for numerous families.
RESOLVED: · that the scoping report be agreed, encompassing the Group’s intended outcomes, key lines of enquiry and the timetable for completion of work, all set out in the report.